Another hard night to find sleep. This is getting old again. Wow, I wish I could figure sleep out.
Took Ellexia’s dress to a dear friend to get advice on how to hem it. Discover it has a slit in it and that is why I was confused initially. I am going to pen it really good and then have Ellexia try it on to see if she wants me to put the slit in it. It may or may not need one.
Haven’t done much else today. I did do two loads of laundry. I have them folded but not put away yet.
The dogs woke me up early as they wanted to do their business. I took them one by one on an eight block walk and both did their thing. I tried to go back to sleep but didn’t make it. I got a text and a phone call both times I almost fell asleep. Finally decided it was not meant for me to sleep more and got up.
A neighbor told Kathy today that her daughter is an ICU nurse. The medical staff at the hospital her daughter works at are spraying their nostrils with a 1% iodine solution to help prevent Covid. I found some on Amazon and ordered us each a bottle to try. Anyone else trying this? Worth a try to do whenever I leave the house.
Tomorrow I am going to help a friend do some packing. That will be fun. I enjoy her company and it will be something for me to do. We are going to go to lunch afterwards which will be a treat too.
Friday I may go to town for exercise. My trainer has Covid and a not sure yet if she will feel like working Friday. I’m not sure when she was diagnosed. When I had it I had to be out one week from the last day of fever but not sure if that still applies and if it applies to the trainer.
Starting to get the urge to find something to put on my calendar on a regular basis. I need to have a few more productive days each week. I love my empty space time and staying home but I need to find a better balance. Right now I am tipped too far into isolation.
Sitting in a good head space place today. It is easy to keep above neutral when I don’t interact much with the world. I do feel the darkness coming. We are getting less sunlight each day and I am really noticing the difference now. This is the time of year I go inward and do some deep inner work. It will be interesting to see how this year’s inner journey plays out for me. I keep reminding myself it doesn’t have to be hard to let go and I don’t have to have a story about what is going on. Allowing and being with what ever arises to be heard is the point.
Grateful for a friend’s help with advice today, grateful for nice walks on a cool morning with the dogs this morning, and grateful for the sleep I will be getting tonight.