OH what a day! After a night of very little sleep I got up early this morning. Kathy and I went to my brother’s house in Lebo early. I stayed and babysat Abram while Kathy took Keith and his wife to Keith’s doctor appointment in Topeka. Keith got a new removable arm cast that he gets to take off twice a day to move his arm a bit and the dressing on his leg was removed. He seems to be healing well but still can’t put any weight on his injured leg. They got back to Lebo a little before 1:30. We had pizza together and then we headed home.
As soon as we got home I turned around and went back into Emporia for a Doctor appointment with my family doctor. I really didn’t find out anything new. His office called the Endocrinologist office in Topeka to see what the hold up is on getting me an appointment. The person they needed to speak to wasn’t available. My doctor in Emporia said they would follow-up and stay on it until I got an appointment.
I have lost six pounds since I was discharged a week ago. They checked my records and the last time I was in the office was when I had that bronchial crap earlier this year. I have lost 18 pounds since then. Guess having a hyperthyroid is good for something as I have not been dieting.
My doctor assured me the symptoms I have been having will get better. He told me if my blood pressure gets over 185/80 and stays that high or goes higher for four hours straight to go to ER. It has been getting that high most days but has been coming back down within an hour or so.
If I don’t see the specialist in the next three weeks I am to go back to my family doctor to see what he wants to do with my new medication. He didn’t do any blood tests today which kinda surprised me.
I have decided to cancel my trip back east. I want to be available if the specialist can work me in. I also don’t feel comfortable driving 2,000 miles alone if I continue to have the symptoms I have been having. I sure hate to cancel the trip though. Sometimes I have to be an adult and make adult decisions. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.
Kathy is going to book her flight back east for next week. I’m glad she gets to go. It has been hard for her to be away from her son right now as his wife has been very sick.
I got so tickled at my nephew today. He is only six but talks and acts like he is much older. He is wise to the animals that live on their little farm. We gathered eggs and he grabbed a broom in case the mean rooster came after us. He showed me where one of the chickens had died in their yard. When you live on a farm you learn about the cycle of life. We had a fun day together although my ears were tired at the end of our time together as he likes to talk and talk and talk.
I didn’t have a spell today other than my blood pressure and heart rate rose for a while during the day. It was a bit lower this morning then it was the last several mornings. Trusting the medication is starting to work and I will start feeling even better soon.
A beautiful day on the prairie today. A bit warm this afternoon but it will cool down nicely this evening. Sure can tell fall is coming very soon. My favorite time of the year.
All is well on the prairie today!