Sleep at last! It took less than an hour to fall asleep and I slept for three or four hours straight. Was able to go back to sleep off and on for the next four hours. I do not feel drugged today. I do need to figure out a way to stay awake longer today though as I was asleep before 9:00 last night and wide awake at 4:00 this morning. May need to take a nap today if I can so I can stay awake until at least 10:00 tonight. I am so very grateful the new sleeping pills worked. Trusting my body will remember how to sleep and I will sleep longer each night before I wake.
My new iPad and I are getting acquainted. The transfer of data went smoothly for the most part. The new iPad has some new tricks I need to get familiar with. As with most Apple products it is user-friendly. I just have to break old habits. I do need to get the screen coated like I had done with my phone. It is supposed to help prevent cracked screens.
Finished a shawl last night and have another one almost half done. I would much rather knit than clean. Kathy is having some guests tomorrow evening so that might provide me some motivation to clean. No promises though! My bedroom and bathroom really need cleaned. I never did get those two rooms detailed cleaned earlier.
Have some potato soup cooking and it smells wonderful. Good soup weather with the weather turning so cool. I love soup in the winter time. Warms my soul as well as my body.
Yesterday a dear friend gave me a charm that had belonged to her beloved grandmother. The charm is a little ball with a mustard seed in it. Next time I go to town I will get a chain for it. What a delightful gift. I am so honored she gave it to me and will wear it and feel the love it gives off.
My friends have been so supportive of my journey. I am so blessed to have them in my life and treasure the love and friendship they offer me.
Another bright blue skies day although it is cooler out than it looks. Not quite so windy today but the wind is still in a hurry to get somewhere. Thinking it is in a hurry to bring some cold weather my way. Not sure I am ready for that but Mother Nature didn’t ask my opinion.
I need to get something to make to serve tomorrow night but didn’t go to town with Kathy when she went a bit ago. I need a whole day at home. I’ll have to go tomorrow unless I can find something to make with what I have at home. I have to go to Topeka Friday so won’t be able to stay home that day either. Next week is totally clear so maybe I can string a couple of days together and stay home then. For some reason this week got really busy for me. I like the empty space weeks better.
Soup is cooking. Sun is shining. The rooster is crowing. All is well on the prairie today!