I slowed things down today. Sophia tried to wake me up at 5:00 this morning. It took me a bit to realize what she wanted. I didn’t fall asleep until after 3:00 so I was sleeping deeply when she started barking. I yelled at her and she quieted down for a bit. She barked again and then I heard Roxy bark at her. Sophia quieted down after that. Sometimes a mom has to do what a mom has to do!!
I dreamed I had gotten up and took her out for a walk and left her outside in her pen. I was surprised when I actually got up and discovered she was still inside. That dream felt like reality for a bit.
Took each dog for a morning walk and then put them out in their pen. Lewis did not cooperate this morning so he has spent the day inside. If he tries to bite me I don’t play and ignore him.
I did some chores around the house this morning. I had a couple of checks to write, laundry to do, dishes to do and I did some vacuuming. I was still tired so instead of going out to paint I took a nap. I didn’t sleep very long but felt more rested when I got up.
I took the dogs for their noon walk and then I went out and painted. I got half of the railings painted. It sure is changing the look of the porch. I’m anxious to get the rest of it done. I still need to get the paint to paint the cedar beams. They are going to be a different color than the rest. It was a touch windy this afternoon and my drop cloth kept getting blown around. I’m afraid I am going to have to put two coats on it. New wood absorbs paint and is hard to get completely covered in one coat.
Tomorrow is another stay at home day so hoping I can finish up the painting of the rails tomorrow. I will still have some gray to paint after that. Phil offered to paint the top boards and he is going to spray paint the lattice which will save me hours of painting time.
My trainer let me know I am going down to one fitness session at the gym starting this week. It will be nice to only have to go to Emporia once a week for these last 15 weeks of the program. I am almost done! Now I have to find the motivation to do the sessions at home. That will be a challenge for me. I am doing lots of walking but have not been doing the yoga and Pilates that I should be doing at home.
I got the books I bought at the book sale put away and a sack of books filled to take back to them for next year’s sale. Feels good to be restocked on plenty of reading material to get me through the winter.
I loaded recycling in my car and need to take it to the trailer tomorrow. I may go to Emporia and get some paint for the cedar pillars and can dump the recycling on my way to town. I also need to get some kitty litter as I was too tired to stop and get it the last two times I have been in town.
Nice for my soul to have a stay at home day. I was able to move my body a lot and spent the afternoon outside painting which was also I good for my soul. I have a tendency to be a couch potato and I forget the value of moving my body and how helpful that is in regulating my central nervous system.
I have spent some time thinking about the meditation session I am hosting Sunday afternoon and how I want to moderate that. Not sure how many will be coming and what their experience level with meditation is. I trust some will give it a try and come. Not expecting more than 12 at the very most and will probably only have 6 -8. Group meditation can be very powerful and moving. Come if you can – 3:00 my house Sunday afternoon at 421 Plum in Cottonwood Falls. If nothing else it might give you a chance to relax and come to neutral if not above.
Grateful the painting project has begun, grateful for a slower, quieter day at home, and grateful for this beautiful fall day.