Wednesday, October 10, 2018

My two guests last night arrived around 8:30.  I showed them their room and didn’t hear anything from them until this morning.  They had been driving all day and were ready to crash.  They came up this morning and fixed breakfast and then left.  Easy guests to have around!  This was the first time they had stayed in an Airbnb.  They booked another one for tonight so they must have enjoyed their visit.

Have been working on laundry and cleaning today.  The guest that was coming in this weekend cancelled so I will have the house to myself again all weekend.  My Marine is going to AZ for training Friday and won’t be here all next week.  Nothing on my calendar to do this weekend.  Sounds like it might rain again and be a bit cold so not thinking being outdoors will be something I will want to plan to do.

A friend came over for a business lunch today.  Always nice to have company to eat a meal with.

My Marine took me with him looking at the flood water yesterday afternoon.  He was looking for deer but we didn’t see any.  We had to turn around twice as the water over the road was either running too fast or was too deep to drive through.  The hills are beautiful right now with the shades of gold and red appearing.  Lots of water in the ditches.  Nice to see the creeks running and the ponds full.

The water that was coming up through the floor in the closet has stopped coming up this morning.  I am leaving the fan on it to help it get dried out so I don’t develop a mold issue.  The water ban in Chase County has finally been lifted.  So grateful the water tables below ground are full again.

I slept better last night than I have been but am very tired this afternoon.  Seems like when my body finally gets some sleep it wants more and more of it.  Not sure if I will give in and take a nap or not.  I need some groceries and may run into Emporia today to get them taken care of.  If not today, then I will have to go in the morning.

The wind is sharp today.  It is to get down to 33 tonight and there is a freeze warning out.  Not sure I am ready for winter – what happened to fall?  More rain in the forecast for the weekend.  It may be a bit before I will get to mow my yard again.

Got a phone call from the Pharmacy about the grievance I had filed.  Not sure I bought his story but got the medication discontinued so it won’t get refilled.  My Doctor had sent new prescriptions when I switched to the new company and then the pharmacy I had before transferred the prescriptions.  Somehow when one or the other scripts were entered the permission to fill box was checked automatically, even though my web page didn’t show that.  Sounds fishy to me!  Still may look to change prescription companies when it is open enrollment time to do so.

Dropped another pound this morning.  I am now five pounds below goal weight.  The weight loss has slowed down so am trusting I won’t keep losing weight.  My BMI was 20.3 this morning and I don’t want it to get below 20.0.   I am slowly starting to see myself as a thin person although I don’t think I am completely there yet.  I have added food to each of my meals and can barely eat all of them so not sure what I will do if I keep losing weight.  Who would have thought I would have this issue?  Wow!  I have been eating the Bright Lines Way for eight months now.  Rarely do I get an urge to cheat or really even think about cheating.  My body seems to like what I am doing.  Have lots less aches and pains and have lots more energy than I did when I started.  I have lost 46 pounds in 8 months and 66 pounds since a year ago.

Sitting in my peaceful valley but feeling a bit restless today. Had a caution flag wave at me yesterday and need to process it.  I have learned to stop, ground and center myself when those come up for me.  Sometimes I am just cranky and tired and they don’t need anything done about them but sometimes I really need to pay attention.  Stopping and listening to my wiser self tends to work best when I am grounded, centered and well rested.  I’ll see how this one plays out.  I am very aware of my impulsive habit and am giving it some attention so I can break that pattern.  Thinking the restlessness is due to sitting with the urge to do something NOW about it instead of pausing.  Always something new to learn about myself.

Grateful for easy guests, grateful for finding the Bright Line Eating Plan, and grateful for the teachings of my mentor.  When I pay attention my life is easy flowing – even when it sucks!