My task for the day is done. Empty space at last!
I took Craig out for breakfast this morning. He goes crazy if he has to stay home all day. His blood pressure was low this morning so he didn’t feel very good. We managed to get him in and out of the restaurant and even did a short stop at the grocery store for him. I was going to call his on-line pharmacy for him and readjust some of his meds but he was too tired to deal with that this morning. I’ll go by tomorrow or Friday and we can do that then. We had switched one of his blood pressure pills to morning but it is obvious he can’t take it in the morning as it drops his blood pressure too low. I switched it back to evenings in his pill-box for him.
After I took him back to his house I went back into town so I could get chicken feed, iced tea, and greens for my girls. I am hoping not to have to go back to town for a day or two. I have used more gas the last two weeks then I normally do in a month. Time to stay home for a bit.
Craig did agree to allow me to take him to PT Friday morning and to his other appointment Friday afternoon. I’m afraid he would be too tired afterwards to be able to drive himself home safely. Trusting by next week he will have regained more strength and endurance and he can take himself.
I welcome the sun back to the prairie. It has been on vacation the last week or so. I miss it when it doesn’t come out to shine. Sure lifts my spirits when it comes out. I had a jacket on when I was running my errands and almost got too hot. Love days like today!
I appreciated the beauty of the trees when I was in town today. I don’t have any trees on the prairie so I miss the fall colors. They are still beautiful although the leaves seem to be dropping quickly now.
Need to double-check my Thanksgiving grocery list and make sure everything I need is on it. I have most of it bought already. Just need the produce and dairy items. I picked up a turkey when I was in Topeka yesterday. I only got a 24 pound one as that was the biggest one they had. One disadvantage to living on the prairie is that a last-minute grocery run takes an hour. Need to remember to clean house the first of next week too. I tend to forget to do that!
I still have some empty chairs for Thanksgiving Day Dinner. We are eating at 1:00 so if you don’t have somewhere to go please come. No need to bring anything. Love having a house full on that day especially. I always have plenty of food.
A friend had read that I was taking a laxative every other day. She suggested I take magnesium instead. I switched to taking a 250 mg chelated magnesium every morning and evening. With my hypothyroidism everything has slowed down. The magnesium feels less harsh than the laxative and works better.
Trusting that when my thyroid levels get normal I can go off some of these pills. I use a pill-box these days as I am taking so many pills each day. Only four are prescriptions and the rest are supplements – most to help me sleep. With them I usually am able to sleep at least three hours straight every night and can usually go back to sleep for a bit more sleep in thirty minutes segments. Better than I had been doing.
Struggling to remember what day of the week it is. My routine is so screwed up lately. Nothing feels normal right now. Feel a bit like I am in a time warp of some sort. Am going to do some grounding work this afternoon and see if I can anchor into the present moment.
A friend that is an excellent seamstress invited me to bring my apron to her house tomorrow and she volunteered to help me finish it. She even said I could curse if I needed to and she wouldn’t be offended. What a dear friend and a very brave woman to allow me around her when I am sewing.
It is a beautiful sunny day on the prairie today. All is well!