Happy birthday dad. He would have been 97 today. I think of him daily and feel him beside me many times, especially when I have gotten myself into a mess. He had more common sense than anyone I have ever known. When I ask for his help to get me out of a mess, he always seems to find a way to get a message to me about how to fix something.
I went to the Cardiologist in Topeka this morning. I had to drive through six construction zones in the 61 miles to his office. Made the trip seem longer than it was.
The Cardiologist didn’t do anything other than tell me I only need to get concerned if my heart rate doesn’t raise after movement. If it stays below 50 when I am up and moving then I am to go see him again. He didn’t seem to think dropping below 40 at night was a problem, nor was the skipping of a beat occasionally.
He was so cute. His wife delivered twin boys last week. They were early so they are in NICU for a couple of weeks. He told me he was terrified at the thought of bringing them home. He is going to take paternity leave for six to eight weeks to help care for them once they get home. They named them Henri and Ethan. I think he was floating on air the whole time I talked to him.
I stopped at Chipotle and had lunch and then came home. It was a short trip up and back and I was only gone a little over three and one half hours. The doctor’s office was running on time and I got called back a bit early and it only took 10 minutes with the doctor.
I didn’t sleep well again last night. I may take a nap again today although I would rather stay up and go to bed early. I have to be in Emporia at 8:00 in the morning so will have to get up at 6:30. I may be in bed by 8:00 tonight if I don’t take a nap. I live an exciting life these days.
What a beautiful day on the prairie. It is in the mid 70’s and no wind on the prairie today. I might go out and paint for a bit when I finish blogging. Rain is in the forecast for the next few days so this might be my only chance for this week. I want to get some of the floor of the deck painted to see how that paint is going to hold up and to give me an idea of how much paint I am going to need.
I am looking forward to Friday and having a stay at home day. I don’t have plans for the weekend unless I decide to go to the barn dance at Pioneer Bluffs Saturday night. The grandkids mentioned something about coming out this weekend but we will see if they do. Next week I don’t have anything on my calendar yet either. I need some empty space days.
Got yet another bill from my divorce attorney. I am hoping this is the last one. I texted my plumber to ask if the kitchen faucet has come in but I haven’t heard back. I called the guttering guy and they are to call me back. Sure wish I could wrap up all three of these things and cross them off my pending list.
Not feeling very motivated to do anything again today. Not sure if it because of my high TSH levels or if something else is going on. I will push myself to get some painting done and see if that helps get me out of this rut I seem to be in. Sometimes I need to sit and let things be and sometimes I need to push through. Sometimes I can’t tell which I should do.
I do need to clean out the chicken coop sometime next week. They have been out there for a month almost. They are about 3/4 the size of a grown chicken now. Two more months and I will start getting eggs. It is hard to wait for the reward of the work of raising chicks.
Feeling a bit lost and rocky this afternoon. Thinking I am just tired and need a good night’s sleep. I feel a bit like a boat floating on the sea without a map to guide me. And this too shall pass.
Grateful for a clean bill of health from the Cardiologist, grateful for a safe trip to and from Topeka, and grateful for some empty space days ahead.