I have had a productive morning. Rolled the trash can down the driveway as it was too heavy to lift into my car. Fed the dogs and cats. Put three boxes of old store records in my car to take to Craig and then headed into town to buy groceries.
Dropped off the boxes of records at Craig’s and then went to Walmart. Since I only eat fresh produce these days I find I have to go to replenish my supply at least twice a week.
Came home and loaded six more boxes of records in my car. Went through them to pull the metal files and clips out of them in case they can’t be shredded with metal in them. I pulled some of the paper clips but not all. Kathy said she would take three boxes in so I will get rid of nine boxes today! Yeah! I pulled the boxes that were full of ex-employee files and the boxes that had deposit slips and payroll stuff in them. The daily records are not so sensitive and I will continue to put them in my trash can each week. One by one they too will disappear.
Jason came out and took two bags of water softener salts downstairs and added it to the softener machine for me. Those bags weigh 50 pounds each and wear me out to carry them down and pour them in. If I divide them and use a different container to carry them down I can eventually get them loaded. Jason is so much easier! Thanks buddy!
Tomorrow I have to go in to town for a blood draw. Time to get my thyroid levels checked again. Friday I have a board meeting at Pioneer Bluffs in the afternoon. Kathy is leaving Friday morning for CT and will be gone at least three weeks if not four.
Nothing on my schedule the rest of the day except for taking the boxes to the shred event between 4 and 6. I need to do some more cleaning. I got my bathroom cleaned yesterday and need to finish cleaning my bedroom today. Wish I could get on a schedule and make myself clean one room a day. I have never been that disciplined to be able to stick with a plan like that for long.
The wind is only blowing 20 – 25 mph today. Much better than yesterday. It is to blow itself out and be much calmer tomorrow. Maybe I can get outside and work in the flower beds tomorrow. Craving some fresh air and dirty hands.
Grateful for Jason’s help today, grateful for calmer winds, and grateful nine boxes of records are going away easily.