Had a beautiful drive through the hills to go to Council Grove this morning. I met a dear friend for lunch at Hays House. I had grilled chicken with sautéed mushrooms and grilled zucchini that had a garlic/butter sauce. It was delicious. Service was great too. Nice job Hays House!
My friend and I had a wonderful, deep conversation. I love friends that you can go deep with and share your vulnerabilities with.
Stopped by Grove Gardens and got a flat of strawberries. They are succulent and juicy. I love strawberries that taste like strawberries and sometimes they are hard to find. I will need to share some though as a flat is more than I can eat.
Came home and found out Kathy had cleaned out the big chicken coop today. Bless her heart! Now it is ready for the chicks to move into when they are big enough.
I cleaned out one pen of the chicks this morning. One pen keeps bumping their water container over and the wood shavings get wet and then start smelling. I need to clean the other pen out tomorrow. The little buggers are getting harder to catch as they grow up. Two or three weeks to go before I can move them outside.
Have a bit of an upset tummy this afternoon. I keep wanting to eat something to get rid of the garlic taste but not sure what will do the trick. My tummy is saying not so fast on the eating. I’m sure it will settle down soon.
Tomorrow I have to go to Emporia in the morning and get my hair cut. I also need to stop and pick up a prescription while I am in town. I don’t think I need any groceries so will make a quick trip of it.
Friday Kathy and I are meeting Nicole for lunch then are going to Warby Parker for eye exams and to order new glasses. We both needed an eye exam so will get that taken care of. I have two things to take to Nicole so it will give me a chance to get that taken care of. I’ll stop at Costco and pick up a few things since I am in the big city. I don’t have a very long list this time but always seem to find things I need that are not on my list when I go to Costco. If I thought the weather was going to turn and be nice I would pick up deck paint but the forecast doesn’t look promising enough for that yet.
It has been an absolutely beautiful spring-like day on the prairie. The wind wasn’t even a factor today which is a rare. The temperature reached the mid 70’s. Sure wish it would stay this way for several days but the forecast for tomorrow is highs in the mid 50’s. Dang I am ready for spring to get here and stay.
Still sitting in a good place this afternoon. I am tired as I didn’t sleep very well last night but have been able to maintain at or slightly above the mid-point on the consciousness ladder. I’m always grateful when I get out and about and am able to maintain that level. Somedays I can and somedays I can’t.
Did some knitting on a blanket last night while I was watching the last session of Madam Secretary. Have lots more to knit before it is done but feels good to be knitting a bit. I need to get some yarn used up or else I need to give it away.
Grateful for friends that share their life’s journey with me, grateful the chicken coop is cleaned out, and grateful for this taste of spring day.