It has been a quiet morning home alone today. I did the critter chores and decided I needed to put rocks in my pockets to keep from being blown over. It is beautiful out today if you can find a place out of the wind. I have gotten three fire danger alerts already today. One came in as a text before 6:00 this morning.
I had another night of not good sleep. It took a long time to fall asleep and then I couldn’t stay asleep very long. I don’t enjoy nights like that.
Going to KC this afternoon. Need to make a Costco run and then am having dinner with Nicole. Feels like it has been a long time since I have seen her.
Thursday evening I am babysitting the grandkids so Michelle and Tim can go to a concert. Decided to watch the kids at their house as the kids have school Friday morning and they would have to get up really early if they stayed overnight here. Not sure if I am sleeping overnight or if I will come home after Michelle and Tim get Home. May depend on if I can sleep or not.
Ordered a new iPad case this morning. I have chipped the corners on the one I have and it hurts my hands as the case has some sharp edges. It has been like that for a bit. Funny how I put up with things like that and forget I can fix them easily. Cases are not very expensive.
Had a reading done last night by two students that are taking an intuitive class. They didn’t do a very good job as they doubted themselves too much. At the end they got one of the leaders to help. He did a nice job coaching them but didn’t give me any information. The technology they used was pretty cool though.
I was to sign on at 7:15. When I did the leader was setting the space and leading the students in a meditation. It was weird to have that going on when I didn’t expect that. I then got put on hold for 15 minutes before the students were ready. Wonder why they didn’t have me log on at 7:30. They got cut off at the end when they weren’t expecting to as they had their eyes closes and missed the silent time prompt. They must be at the start of their class. Hopefully they aren’t about done with the class.
I hit the wrong button on my blog edit page and when I type I can’t see what I am typing. When I scroll down to read what I typed it won’t stay so I can see it when I correct my spelling and grammar. Need to take a class and learn more about this shit. It drives me crazy when things like that happen and I don’t know what I did to make it act differently than it did last time I used it. I think gremlins got in my iPad last night and changed things up.
It is usually the little things in life that trip me up – the everyday little irritating things. Like catching my hands on a chipped case and forgetting I can fix that by getting a new case.
Someone was going to come pick up a shawl today and she didn’t showed up when she said she would. That is one reason I don’t like making them anymore. They are free and the least someone can do is show up when they said they would. Another little thing in my life that bothers me. Guess my life is going pretty good if something as small as that bothers me!
Grateful chores are done for the day, grateful for my quiet, empty space this morning, and grateful I get to see Nicole today and Michelle and her family tomorrow.