Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sophia had a rough night last night which means Kathy and I had a rough night last night. Not sure what is causing Sophia to bark during the night but I sure trust it will stop soon. I had just gotten to sleep around 2:00 when she started barking. It took me a bit to wake up enough to take her out.

She didn’t do anything outside except smell the ground and resist going where I wanted her to go on the leash. I brought her back in, she settled down just long enough for me to get to sleep again and the process repeated.

This time I took her out to her pen outside and left her there. She continued to bark outside which then caused Roxy to bark inside.

Kathy brought her back in after she got up this morning. Both dogs woke me up around 7:00 as they wanted to go out. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep last night. We left the dogs outside all day today hoping by the time we bring them in later this evening, they will be worn out and will sleep good tonight.

I was cranky when I went to town for exercise this morning. Sophia was hard to walk this morning when I took her on her morning walk. She finally did her business and I brought her back home and put her outside. Roxy behaved herself on her walk but didn’t do her business.

Exercise helped get rid of the crankiness. I got to town 30 minutes early so I left my car on and pushed the seat back and took a 25 minute nap. I’m grateful I set the alarm on my phone as I actually fell asleep. Exercise was fairly easy and the time went by quickly. I didn’t go to the Chiropractor before exercise, I decided a 25 minute nap would do more good for myself than the Chiropractor would. I will try to remember to stop at the Chiropractor Friday after exercise.

I went to McDonald’s and had lunch and then sat in the parking lot of McDonald’s so I had good internet for my Zoom call. It was led by the woman that is leading the retreat I am going to in Costa Rica. It was only for 30 minutes and went by quickly. Not sure I learned too much other than we are doing two medicine sessions, one in the cave on top of a mountain and the other on the retreat grounds. They have people that will come to us for a massage and I signed up for two of those.

There are only going to be four women on this retreat, including the leader. Two look to be in their 30’s – 40’s and the other two of us look to be in their 70’s. Sounds like most of the time will be chill time. We have a private chef who will be preparing our meals. The leader did warn us it will be very hot and we will be encountering lots of rain. It will be a good time to slow things way down and relax into the beauty of the rain forest and Mother Earth. Our leader did remind us that time will have a different feeling and rhythm to it in Costa Rica and it will help us slow down and allow things to unfold in perfect time.

I went to Walmart after the Zoom call and picked up the last few things I need for the trip. Traffic was heavy coming home. I pulled off on V Rd and went south and missed the mile long traffic backup. I took a nap when I got home and got a bit more sleep.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with my house builder at 2:00. I need to stop at the Vet office afterwards and pick up some flea and tic medication for the two dogs and cat. I’ll have to fight the traffic again tomorrow. Friday I have to go back to Emporia for one more exercise session before I leave on vacation Sunday.

The tree guy did not show up today. His equipment is still here so not sure what the deal is for him. If he wants to get paid before I leave on vacation, he better show up tomorrow or Friday. If he would call and let me know what he is doing, I could tell him that.

I do need to remember to stop at an ATM machine and get some cash for the trip. I learned today that they will take American dollars and most places take credit card but I will need cash for the massages and the farmer’s market that we will be stopping at.

I don’t think I have fully stepped into believing the trip to Costa Rica is only days away. I’m excited about going but for some reason the excitement is not full yet. I’m sure by Sunday I will be excited about leaving.

I am to journal between now and Monday my intentions for the trip. The leader said it will help the plant medicine be more powerful if we are clear on our intentions. I just know that this trip called to me and that it is what I feel deeply in my bones I am to do. I’ll do some writing around it and see if something a bit more substantial will raise to my consciousness.

When I travel, I do better knowing few details about what to expect. As long as I know I have a bed to sleep in and tickets to get there, the rest is better for me to discover as it presents itself. It helps me stay in the moment as things unfold. Going to Costa Rica was on my 70 things to do before I turn 70 list. I’m a year late going, but am getting there!

I definitely dropped below neutral this morning when I had to get up very sleep deprived. Exercise helped me get back above neutral. The nap when I got home helped too. Sure trusting tonight will be a better night for the dogs – and me!

Grateful for naps, grateful I have the last few things I needed for the trip, and grateful exercise helps me move from below neutral to above.