Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Woke up in the middle of the night hearing the wind blowing.  Checked radar in case I needed to move my guest to the tornado safe room.  The storm was still quite a ways from me.  I was surprised when I woke up later and realized we hadn’t gotten any rain.  It was a big system that seemed to be heading my way.  It must have fallen apart before it got here.  Only got a few sprinkles late morning from the other system that passed by.  If you got rain today, consider yourself lucky!

My tea towels came in last night so got two more sets stamped.  Pressed the set I had finished earlier in the week.  The set I am working on now is going quickly and should have it finished by tomorrow.

Went into Emporia a little after noon to finish up getting enrolled in my Medicare supplement plan.  Accomplished that!  Still need to finish up the drug plan D.  Everytime I hit the enroll button it kicks me out of the system and I have to start over.  I will try again in the morning and if I can’t make it work I will have to call them.  I’ll be glad when this process is finished up.  I need to notify my current insurance to terminate my coverage the first of August.  Then I should be all set and ready for Medicare!

I had ordered a chocolate basket from the Sweet Granada yesterday so I stopped and picked that up and took it to the family that returned my stained glass pieces to me.  I so appreciate their generous gift.  Took a dozen eggs to a friend that delivered the stained glass pieces to me yesterday as a thank you to him.

As I was pulling in to the driveway when I got home my guest was pulling out.  She hadn’t been able to reach her in-laws today and she was worried about them and decided to check-out early and go to KC so she could check on them.  I was sorry to see her leave as she is the type of guest that I would like to stay for a long time.

A dear friend came over this afternoon to see the stained glass pieces and help me decide where to hang them.  We made a plan.  I need to go get some material and then he is going to come over and do the work for me.  I have the best friends!

Today is day 130 of Bright Line Eating.  I have lost 29 pounds so far.  Haven’t lost any weight for eight days now.  I stalled out like this one other time.  I keep telling myself if really doesn’t matter what I weigh today as if I stay the same or lose nothing really changes in how I eat.  I plan on eating like this for a long time.  My body will decide at some point what it wants to weigh.  Still thinking with my thyroid issue I will not be able to add much food back in once I get to goal weight.

Have three guests coming sometime tomorrow.  They haven’t let me know yet when they are arriving.  I might send them a message and see if they can give me an approximate time.  If they respond I might have time to go to Topeka and get the material I need so my friend can get the stained glass pieces up for me.

Sometimes I wonder about myself.  I started a load of laundry this morning and as I was walking out of the laundry room something made me look again.  I had put the dirty clothes in the dryer with a packet of soap instead of in the washer.  Glad I noticed it before the heat of the dryer melted the laundry soap packet.  Not sure I have done that trick before – trust I won’t again!

Got the chicken feed and oats put into the smaller containers this morning.  Lifting three 50 pound sacks was my exercise for the day. I had also gotten a 50 pound sack of black oil sunflower seeds but didn’t have enough empty buckets to put those in.

This day has gone by quickly.  I need to do some cleaning so the house is ready for the guests coming tomorrow afternoon.  They will be here until Sunday and then I will have a few days free before the next set arrives next Thursday.

Still in my happy, peaceful valley where problems seem to be easily solved.  I don’t have much monkey chatter in my head right now.  Some day I will figure out how to stay in this valley.  Guess when I do leave it I appreciate it all the more when I am able to return to it.

Grateful the Medicare enrollment process is almost done, grateful for a kind friend who volunteered to hang my stained glass pieces, and grateful for my happy, peaceful valley.