Last night when I was cleaning downstairs I noticed I had water on the furnace room floor again. I went upstairs and turned the kitchen faucet on and went back down. Sure enough, the drain downstairs over-flowed.
I called my plumber first thing this morning and he was able to come right out and unplug the drain. I had visions of a swimming pool in the basement for my guests for a bit. Grateful the plumber was free today and could get it taken care of right away. Now I need to clean up his mess and the basement is ready for the weekend.
After the plumber left I went to Wichita to go to Sprouts to buy the produce I need for the weekend. I was able to get everything I needed and most of it is organic. I love Sprout’s produce section. Worth the trip to Wichita for sure.
One of my guests is vegan. I had a nice email exchange with her today so I could understand what she can eat. It is so helpful when my guests teach me and tell me what works for them. I want them all to be comfortable and if I know ahead of time what it takes to accomplish that it can happen.
This afternoon I will finish cleaning the upstairs of my house. I want to check one last time to make sure I have all the ingredients I need for the weekend in case I need to make one last grocery store visit tomorrow. I like to be ready by noon on the day my guests start arriving so I am in a relaxed frame of mind when they get here. This time the three facilitators are coming in a day early. The rest of the guests will arrive Friday afternoon. I will do my food prep Friday morning.
I mowed for a bit last night. I may go out and do a bit more this afternoon. The whole yard doesn’t need it but it does look better where I did mow. I seriously need some rain as the cracks are getting deep. It was really bumpy riding the mower last night as I bounced over the cracks.
Glad this retreat is almost here. I have driven myself a bit crazy getting ready for it. I have been a bit overwhelmed with the idea of cooking five meals in a row for 16 people. I think it has been harder since I have only had one other retreat this year. It has felt like I was starting from scratch again. I haven’t had one this big before that I had to fix all the meals for. I’m sure it will all go just fine.
Cleaning. Shopping. Checking my lists. All is well on the hot prairie today.