Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Finally got a good night’s sleep last night.  Slept in two parts but it was good sleep both times.  Woke up before the alarm went off feeling rested.

I was at the Emporia hospital by 8:45 this morning to check in for my nuclear heart stress test.  They took me back right on time at 9:00.  Put an IV in me and gave me some contrast medication.  I had to wait 30 minutes and then they took a 15 minute series of scans of my heart.  Back to the waiting room to wait my turn on the treadmill.  After an hour they called me back, got me all wired up and then we sat and waited for the person to come to the room so I could do the tread mill part.  Waited an hour for her to come in the room.  The tread mill part only took 10 – 15 minutes.  Partway through they put in more contrast medication.  Back to the waiting room for another 30 – 45 minute wait then the final set of scans and I was done.  I didn’t leave until well after 12:30.  Lots of hurry up and wait going on today.

Never felt any chest pressure or pain during the day.  Thinking it will all come back clear with no significant findings.  Trusting I can go off my blood thinner medication and not even have to get them refilled.  Still haven’t heard back from the Cardiologist if he will lower the dose if I do need to stay on them.

Stopped at the grocery store to pick up a birthday cake for a dear friend to take to a meeting we will be at together tomorrow.  Came home and my nephew came over.  He is going to clear out my lagoon area.  I let trees grow in it and it needs mowed.  I didn’t know how important it is to keep that area cleaned out.  Now I do so Dean is going to get it cleaned up for me and then I will mow it weekly.  One more thing I can cross off my to-do list.

Got another booking this morning – this one is for the first weekend in July and only one person.  That will be easy!

Tomorrow I have two meetings to go to – one in the afternoon  and one in the evening.  Friday I have to clean in the morning as guests are coming in the early evening.  Another couple of busy days in front of me.  Should have a quieter week next week but I can’t count on that as guests can book anytime.

Nothing I have to do the rest of the day.  May sit and do some more tea towels.  Have two done of the set I am working on and a third one over half way done.  It is so relaxing to do embroidery work for me.  The only time I cuss is when I have trouble threading the needle.

Glad the heart stress test is done.  Thinking I am on the back side of all of these medical issues.  Time for me to be healthy for a bit and enjoy life.  Getting closer and closer to my goal weight and getting on with my life happy, thin and free!

Grateful the heart test is done, grateful my nephew is here taking care of a project for me, and grateful I have nothing that needs done for the rest of the day.