It feels like it has been a long day after a long night. The dogs were restless last night and neither Kathy nor I got a good night’s sleep. The dogs wanted out and then back in and then back out again. Not sure what they were seeing or reacting to but they had trouble settling and therefore so did we.
I went to Emporia around 1:30. I had to have a blood draw and then I went to a bank to close out an account. I then had a tax class. It was a long day in town.
The results of most of the blood work is back. My TSH was 2.6 which is within the range although on the high side. My doctor commented and asked if I was dehydrated or if I had been sick as two ranges on the comprehensive panel were out of range. She wants me to repeat that test in one week. The ones that were out of range are usually out of range for me and no one has ever taken action with them before.
I learned a couple of new things in class today. Found a button on the state return that will save me lots of time. I also understand the Homestead tax in a new way. At least the classes this year have been helpful as I learned a couple of things that will make doing taxes easier for me. I still wished we spent more time on going over the normal things we see rather than the exceptional once a year things.
We start doing taxes next week. We are only doing nine returns a day and are open three mornings a week. I only have one regular shift a week but am the backup for the other two days. I already have three extra shifts for February. It will be good to get started actually doing taxes and get to the fun part of doing them.
Call the Emporia Senior Center between 9:00 and 1:00 during the week to get on the schedule. We do them for free and there is no age limitations or income restrictions. We don’t do farm income or rental income that requires depreciation but other than that we can do them. We even do out of Lyon County people so Chase County people can come to the Emporia Senior Center to have their taxes done too.
Tomorrow I am hosting a gathering so we can regulate ourselves and support each other. We all need to figure out the best way to handle the stress that is happening around us on a global stage and find ways to resist. The most important thing we can do is take care of ourselves and then reach out to those within our direct reach. There will come a time when larger action is needed but until then we have to take care of ourselves and make sure we are staying out of the muck pond and are able to regulate ourselves. When you become unregulated you become susceptible to the distortion of facts and drop into fear and become easy to manipulate.
I have found taking small steps of action helps me reduce the amount of anxiety I fear. I am dedicated to doing one random act of kindness a day. It can be as simple as sincerely complimenting someone on something they did. It can be writing a note of appreciation to someone. When I find myself looking for ways to support and lift others up I find them easily. Having the courage to tell people good things I see about them used to be a challenge for me but the more I do it the easier it is becoming.
I think the weekend is free and clear and I will get a few stay at home days. This has turned into a busy week and I look forward to some down time this weekend.
Next week I have to go to Topeka on Monday and then have exercise in the afternoon. Tuesday and Thursday mornings I am doing taxes.
Grateful my tax lesson classes are completed for this year, grateful my TSH was in range, and grateful for the new things I learned in class that will make doing taxes easier.