Wednesday, January 22, 2024

Slept in this morning. Felt good to get a full night’s sleep.

I went to Emporia for my 3:00 tax training session. It was one of the more productive sessions I have even attended. I had to leave before it was over as I had made a date with Jason and Michelle to have dinner.

I met Jason, Michelle and Ellexia at Bruff’s for dinner. It is always a good day when I get to have dinner with one or more of my kids and get to see grandkids. We talked for 1 1/2 hours. I gave them each a pan of the peanut butter balls. I dropped off a pan for Tagen before I went to do taxes.

Tomorrow I am meeting the tax instructor for a one-on-one session so I can figure out what I am doing wrong to not get the correct answer on the test. I promised myself this year I would figure this stuff out and understand what I do wrong. In years past we didn’t cover the problems and work them out if you didn’t come up with the right answer. I appreciate that we are doing that differently this year. I learned several new things tonight and one thing especially will make it so much easier to navigate the Chrome book. I am so used to Apple devices that the Chrome is giving me issues.

Friday I have to go back to Emporia for exercise. One of those days I will stop and get some groceries. Saturday I may be going back up to Council Grove to walk dogs for my friend so her husband can get some work done outside the house.

This has turned into a busier week than I expected but I am grateful to find ways to be in service. I am intentionally looking for ways to be in service right now and opportunities are presenting themselves. Funny how that works! I would like to broaden my reach and do even more of that in the days and months coming.

Kathy was able to walk the dogs today. They seemed very happy to get out of the pen and back in the street. It warmed up to the upper 30’s today – felt like a heat wave after the single digit day or two. I read where we might be in the 70’s the first week of February. Not sure I like when the weather does extreme swings as that is not a normal weather pattern.

Still doing my best to stay media free for the rest of the week. I had to turn off breaking news notifications from some sources so I wouldn’t get informed. I will go back to reading headlines and stories in another week or so but for right now I can’t handle reading what is happening. It pulls me below neutral and when that happens I am not useful to anyone – including myself. I can’t totally ignore the world stage but I can only read about it when I can totally control my own reaction. I have to stay out of fear as that pulls me down.

I need a new series to watch on either Hulu or Netflix. Anyone have any recommendations? I checked a few out last night but didn’t find one that captured my attention yet.

Grateful to have dinner with two of my kids, grateful for the learnings during tax class today, and grateful for a warmer day today.

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