Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The window guy showed up around 5:00 last night and fixed the back door. It had come unaligned. It only took him about 10 minutes to fix it. He wasn’t the one that installed it. He said he thought the guy that had installed it hadn’t done it properly or else the cold weather caused it to move a bit. Whatever! It works now.

It has been a long day. I left for KC this morning a little after 10:00 and got home right around 7:00 tonight. Traffic was heavy coming out of KC but smooth sailing after I got south of Olathe and Gardner. The roads were clear. Parking lots were a bit treacherous but I managed to stay upright.

Stopped for gas when I got to KC as I had a few extra minutes. I didn’t want to have to do that after dark when my day was done.

My first stop of the day was to have three big vials of blood drawn and my vitals taken. My blood pressure was 120/72 today which is perfect.

I then had a full body DXA scan to check body mass, fat and water measurements.

I then went for the exercise testing portion of the day. I did some timed chair stand ups, got up from a chair and walked a loop and then back again – rinse and repeat for a time limit, walked down a long hallway many times for a walking time test, did some weight lifting to check arm and leg strength, and did a flexibility test.

Next up was the dreaded tread mill test. I got all wired up with heart leads and then they put a face mask of some sort on me. I had to get my heart rate up to 150 and maintain that for a bit. When I was winding down that test they did a blood sugar check. I was pleased with how long I was able to last on the treadmill. I did better than I expected I would be able to do.

Back to the nurse for two more big vials of blood taken out. Last thing was getting a FitBit that I will use so they can track my exercising during the program.

The FitBit was a graduation prize of sorts as they only give it to those that pass their testing. Yay! They are to call me in a week or so to get me set up with my trainer.

All the people I worked with today were great. The lady that drew my blood the second time commented about my vein in my left arm. It runs east and west instead of north and south. She said she has only had one other patient with a vein like that.

I left that office around 2:30 and went to lunch. I found a hole in the wall Mexican place that was delicious. I then went to the MRI place and had a head MRI done. That only took about 15 minutes. I was done for the day when that was over.

Kathy shoveled a path from the garage to the house today that made the walk up tonight much easier. I used the light on my iPhone to light my path. I am grateful I have a big barn that fits all three cars in it.

Tomorrow I have to be in Emporia at 11:00 for my second Shingles vaccine. Then I will go to the Chiropractor and get adjusted. I will try to get time to grab some lunch to eat while I sit and wait at Thomson’s to get the tires balanced and aligned. I am due there around noon. I have a few stops to make afterwards as I need chicken and dog food and people food – AKA groceries.

I left Friday free and clear in case I have a reaction like I did last time to the vaccine. No plans for the weekend. After today and tomorrow I may need a couple days at home to recover. After being home for nine days, two big days in a row feels like a lot.

It felt good to get out today. I was anxious thinking about getting out yesterday but had no issues today. It sure helped that it felt like we had a bit of a heat wave today. It reached the low to mid 30’s while I was in KC. It only made it to 29 on the prairie but even that feels like spring. I had turned off my fireplace this morning to give it a rest. It had been on non stop for the last nine days. The house was really quiet this morning and I realized it was because the furnace had been able to shut off.

Today feels like I took a big step on my journey to wellness. I’m grateful I qualified for the program and look forward to getting started in the gym. I have needed something that would motivate me to get my ass to the gym and not let me quit. Somehow it makes it easier for me to do that when I know someone else is depending on me to get there. One of these days I will be able to do it just for me but for now I will lean on others to get me there.

I’m tired tonight. I had trouble falling asleep last night and didn’t sleep well. Hoping I will catch up tonight and sleep lots. If the vaccine reacts like it did last time, I will sleep most of the day Friday. Maybe that will get me caught up with sleep.

Feels a bit disorienting tonight at home after being gone all day. It feels like not all of me has gotten home yet. I know, that is weird but not sure how else to describe how I am feeling. I’m sure the rest of me will get here soon! Ha!

Grateful for a safe trip to and from KC today, grateful I passed all the criteria to qualify for the exercise program, and grateful for the warmer temperatures today.