Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Busy morning for me. I was at the Senior Center at 8:45 as I was requested to be there early. No one else showed up until 9:00. I was able to log on and do a return. When they went to have the return reviewed, which is part of the process, they couldn’t find the return. They finally figured out I didn’t log in under the Senior Center ID. No one told me I had a different log in name and password for the Senior Center.

The lady that does the computer authorizations had approved me to do returns at the Credit Union but hadn’t given me authorization to do them at the Senior Center. Not sure why that happened but out of my control.

Then there was another issue that came up. I was to have assigned the review to someone. I didn’t know about that and that wasn’t required Monday night. When I had them attempt to show me where it was in the process that I had missed, they couldn’t find it. No one can explain why it doesn’t show up. If I remember right from four years ago, the initial thing shows up when you review the return but it might have changed. This system is complicated and not easy to figure out sometimes.

Left the Senior Center at 10:00 and went to my doctor’s appointment. It was a routine six month medication check. It only took the doctor five minutes with me. He did want me to get my thyroid levels checked afterwards. I had to wait for the lab lady for about 15 minutes to get a blood draw.

Went back to the Senior Center and did another return. We were out of clients for the day so I left at 11:30.

I went to the Chiropractor and got adjusted. I then dropped off the big trash bag full of clothes I had taken out of my closet at Salvation Army. Then I dropped off something at my Property Manager’s house and dropped off some cookies for Tagen. Went through the car wash and then went to Walmart for groceries.

Got what I needed the old fashioned way inside the store. Came home and got everything unloaded and put away. It was a whirlwind trip to town, especially with all the confusion with the tax thing. Thankfully those kinks will all get worked out over the next week or so and then things should go fairly smoothly.

I have to go back to Emporia tonight for another round of tax prep. I do enjoy interacting with the clients and am finding doing the taxes easy, compared to the testing issues. I’m grateful I have an empty space day tomorrow to recover in. I will be tired by the time I get home tonight.

The doctor’s office called shortly after I got home to tell me my TSH level was 3.76. That is a touch high but not bad. I may need to go back to the 125 dose instead of the lower dose of 112. I will be surprised if my Endocrinologist changes the dose though. She usually lets it ride for a bit. I will have it checked again in May when I go see her Nurse Practitioner for a regular check up.

It is a windy day on the prairie today with even more wind coming tomorrow. It is 58 out which is warmer than forecast. It is partly cloudy so it doesn’t feel as warm as it is.

I have a free afternoon except for doing chicken chores. I may try to do some cleaning and work out some pent up frustration from this morning. Moving my body always helps move that up and out.

Feeling a bit scattered and ungrounded this afternoon. Chaos like this morning can pulled me off my center – especially when it happens needlessly. I will get up and move my body and take some extra time doing chicken chores outdoors and see if that will help me get grounded. I still feel I am at or above the neutral level so that is good. Trusting tonight will be easy and fun and won’t pull me down.

Grateful my errands for the day got taken care of, grateful for some empty space time this afternoon, and grateful that actually doing the taxes is easy.