Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Got a text this morning from the leader of the tax program I volunteer for.  They had three cancellations for tonight and she told me I didn’t need to come in to town today to do my shift.  That was a nice surprise and a welcome text.  I have some things I needed to get done so I could leave on time tomorrow afternoon and now I have the time to get them done.  It is surprising to me that others think the drive in to town is a long drive.  I have gotten used to it and don’t think twice about driving into town.

Three dear friends came over this afternoon and we celebrated Spring Equinox a week or so early.  There is a new moon tonight so the timing felt good.  We had another beautiful and powerful ceremony.  After I led us in a grounding and balancing meditation we each named three areas in our life where we feel we need to find a better balance.  After that we smudged each other to help us release them and then came back to our circle and each named three things we wanted to celebrate where we had found balance.

I have learned to set my intentions carefully during these ceremonies as the power is strong and the intentions I set happen.  I truly believe the world would be a better place if every person had a small group they were part of that one could be very vulnerable with.  The love and support that is shared during ceremony is beautiful to be a part of.

I had a moment this morning that set my day off on the wrong foot.  My Match guy has been building a door from scratch.  He has spent hours making this door, nailing it together board by board, sanding it, staining it, and now varnishing it.  I am going to help him hang it when I am with him this weekend.  He is justifiably proud of it.  When I saw a picture of it he had sent me last night all I could think of was how is he going to be able to leave it behind if we continue our relationship and we each sell our homes to find one that is ours.

I sent him his daily letter early this morning and questioned whether he would be able to do just that.  Five minutes after I sent the letter I wished I hadn’t.  Please tell me I am not the only one that does that!  Ha!

He texted me later in the day after he got up and assured me he is willing to sell his house so we can become us when the time is right.  He then admitted he was concerned I wouldn’t be able to leave my dear friends that I had gathered with today.  He thanked me for being bold and honest with him about my concerns.

We have some big hurdles to jump over together in the future.  Combining two separate lives into one seems huge, especially since we live 200 miles apart.  It will be interesting to see where this all goes.  Still not sure where we might end up living if we decide to live together.

I’m not sure why I got so insecure this morning. I have been thinking about balance and the ways it appears in my life – and ways that feel out of balance.  Maybe that stirred up some unconscious thoughts and beliefs.  I regretted sending the email shortly after it was sent but there was nothing I could do at that point.  I am so very grateful he responded the way he did and even appreciated my honesty.  I think I have found a winner!

I am knitting a blanket so after I get some things done around the house to get ready for tomorrow I will spend the evening knitting.  It has been a bit since I have knitted and can’t knit in one sitting as long I used to be able to.  It does feel good to be knitting again though.

It warmed up above freezing today and much of the snow melted away.  There is still some deep drifts here and there but the thin layer of snow is gone.  I appreciated it being above freezing today.  It is to be even warmer tomorrow.  Bring on the heat!  I am so ready for it.  The chicken coop ground wasn’t too muddy today.  The ground is still partly frozen in places and the wind dried out the other part of it.

Feeling very grounded, centered and balanced after our ceremony today.  The little problems of the day seem to be easily handled when I am in this space.  Trusting I will remember to return to this space when I fall out of balance.

Grateful for the dear friends that joined me in sacred ceremony today, grateful for the way my Match guy responded to my moment of insecurity, and grateful for temperatures above freezing.  Spring may actually be on the way!