Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Well this day didn’t go as planned.  Woke up to another freezing drizzle type of day.  Decided not to drive into Cottonwood Falls to do the Symphony Newsletter.  My Prius  does not handle well on ice and decided it wasn’t worth the risk.  I’ll try it again tomorrow.

I was to have a shift preparing tax returns tonight from 5 – 8 but that got cancelled due to the icy roads.  I was grateful as I wasn’t looking forward to driving home in the dark on black ice.

So instead I ended up spending a quiet day at home.  I should have finished up my personal taxes but didn’t have the motivation to do so.  I really am not sure what I did all day long but here it is evening and the day has passed me by again.  I did go back to bed for a bit but didn’t ever go back to sleep.

Both Jason and Nicole called me today to check on me.  I am not sounding as good as I feel yet as when I talk I start coughing.  My voice is still a bit hoarse but is getting stronger.  Another day of rest didn’t hurt me one bit.

It was cold doing chicken chores this afternoon.  I drove down to the end of the driveway to get the mail and to bring the trash can back up to the house.  Just wasn’t in the mood to walk in the cold to bring it up.  The exercise would have been good for me though.

Starr has another bloody nose.  She has dripped blood all over the garage again.  I need to get her annual visit rescheduled and have them check her out to see if we can find out what is wrong.  She is starting to get a bit thin which has me a bit worried.  I am thinking by next week I will have the strength to handle her and take her in.

Thinking of suspending my Airbnb account for a bit.  My heart is not in the Airbnb right now.  I had raised the rate to discourage people from booking.  I have three more bookings that I will honor but am thinking that may be it.  My Match guy has a couple of trips he would like us to take this spring and summer and that sounds much more fun.  We haven’t nailed down dates and I don’t want to miss going on a trip because I get a booking.  If someone wants to stay and I know for sure I am going to be around I would probably accept the booking but not wanting to lock myself into future dates.  Airbnb books a minimum of three months out.

Tomorrow I am going to spend the day stuffing the Symphony Newsletter if I can get to their office in the morning.  This moisture is to move out of here by morning and the sun is to return.  I’m ready to get out of the house for a bit.  Other than getting out for a bit yesterday I have been home all the time for a week now.  Time to rejoin the world.

I was tired most of the day today.  No energy to do anything productive at all.  I’m ready to get back to normal – whatever that means.  I didn’t sleep well last night so at least my sleeping is returning to normal for me.  My cough is annoying the hell out of me.  I skipped my morning cough medication dose to try to wean myself off of that stuff.  I will drug myself up tonight so I can sleep some.  I wasn’t very hungry again today.  I could’t Do a big dinner tonight  just wasn’t hungry.  Ended up having a spoon full of peanut butter and a banana for dinner.  Better than nothing which is what I really felt like having.

When I shake my head it feels like I have a fly buzzing in my ear.  I bet I have some fluid trapped in my ear.  Drives me crazy!  Oh the little annoyance things of life.  And these too shall pass…..

Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful Jason and Nicole called to check on me, and grateful I am returning to normal.