Today has been a much better day. I actually got the basement floors cleaned and the basement is almost ready for the guests I have coming this weekend. Will need to do some last minute dusting and touch-ups but that won’t take long.
I sure can tell the weather is changing. The temperature climbed overnight and through he morning but then started dropping. After a high of 63 today, the high tomorrow will only be 29. It has already dropped to 30 today. Yikes! Another short blast of winter for the plains.
I just realized I never got fully dressed today. I put on a pair of sweat pants when I got up as I was chilly and forgot to take a shower and get fully dressed later in the morning. Guess this was a PJ day.
I called the post office this morning to ask about my missing mail. I didn’t receive my water bill nor my electric bill. I did get the disconnect notice about the late water bill. The electric bill gets automatically deducted so it didn’t matter that I didn’t get it. The postmaster didn’t know what the problem was. She was going to leave a note for my carrier.
I called the locksmith as I still haven’t gotten a bill for the work he did back in January. I was afraid he had sent me a bill and I had not gotten it. The locksmith said he would talk to his wife, as she is his bookkeeper and they would let me know how much the bill was. He didn’t know if she had sent a bill or not.
Nicole called and we chatted for a bit. We had an interesting conversation about the state of world affairs. I have a theory that the world is undergoing a major energy change and the chaos is related to the part of the world that doesn’t want things to change. There is a part of the world that are holding on as hard as they know how to hold on and resisting any change. The other part of the world is quietly changing how they live their lives. This part of the world is dropping out of doing things the way we have always done things, dropping the commercialism, finding ways to simplify and minimize, and doing work on themselves. Our institutions are all in a state of crisis and are failing at doing what their intent is. The old way of doing things has to fall apart so the new way can have room to expand and grow.
There is a chart of consciousness that lists the various emotional states humans can find themselves in. Shame is at the bottom and Bliss and Joy are at the top. Neutral is the place where you don’t add to the negative energy of the world but you don’t add to the positive energy either. My theory is if everyone can do their own inner work and be able to maintain themselves at one step above neutral, the world would be a whole different place to live in.
Sometimes we look outside of ourselves for solutions to the world’s problems, where one possible solution is inside each of us. Doing your shadow work and making peace with yourself and those you interact with can help you get to a neutral level and possibility a step or two above that.
Most days I can hold myself at a neutral level but I have days like yesterday where I fall below. Some days I can even climb the consciousness ladder and get pretty close to the top. Some days I fall all the way down to shame. That is the human condition. I don’t know of anyone that can maintain the top rungs ALL the time. Being aware of where I am on the ladder is helpful though and it can provide me the motivation to do my inner work so I can climb up and above neutral.
Tomorrow I am going to Topeka for my appointment with my Endocrinologist nurse. A friend is riding along and we both have some stops we want to make while we are in Topeka. We will eat out and then come home. It will be a cold day to run errands but it is to be sunny and dry.
Friday I will go to Emporia and get some groceries and then come home and finish getting the house clean. Saturday morning I will spend in the kitchen getting meals prepped for the weekend. My Saturday guests will be arriving late Saturday afternoon. It will be fun to have a house full all weekend.
Next week I don’t have anything on my calendar except getting ready for Kathy to return home. She will be here a week from Sunday. Her daughter Joy, and Joy’s twins will be riding to KS with Kathy and will be staying for a couple of days. So looking forward to seeing them and showing Joy and the twins the Flint Hills of KS.
Grateful I got the basement cleaned today, grateful I have a working furnace, and grateful the roads will be dry tomorrow.