Wednesday. February 21, 2024

I tested positive for Covid this morning. Third round of it for me. So far it seems to be a fairly mild case. Fingers and toes crossed that it remains that way. I was getting suspicious yesterday when I had diarrhea as that is the way round two started. I felt really tired and shaky this morning and kinda knew I had it then. It didn’t take long for the test this morning to show a positive.

I sent a note to my doctor and we both agreed that I would not use Paxlovid this time. Last time it caused my thyroid TSH levels to jump to 22. That was worse than the actual Covid for me. It took six months for things to level out. I really don’t want to go through that again.

As long as things don’t get severe, the doctor was OK with letting it ride for a few more days and not do anything. I have until Friday to change my mind if things take a downward turn.

Most of the time, I don’t feel too bad. My temperature got to 101 briefly once today but most of the time it is around 100.5. The cough wears me out but it isn’t too bad most of the time. I’m not very hungry but that is normal for me when I’m not feeling well. I did manage to eat half a serving of my normal breakfast this morning. I made a batch of hamburger soup if I get hungry later. We shall see if that happens.

Good thing I had lots of empty space on my calendar this week. I had let the tax coordinator know yesterday that I wasn’t going to come in today. That way she had time to try to find a replacement for me. I cancelled with my trainer for today and Friday. We will see how I am feeling come Monday. I haven’t done my exercises for the day but I may try to do them later. It is hard to find that balance between pushing yourself and letting yourself rest. My body will tell me what it needs if I listen to it.

The EFIS guys came this morning as promised. They walked around the house with me and talked about what they need to do. Not sure I understand all of it but they are going to spray the entire house. They said the house will look brand new when they are finished. They are going to try to work it in soon, we shall see what Mother Nature does. What a relief it would be to have that project done. He is to send me an updated bid sometime this week. I think I am still within the range that insurance will pay for all of it.

While those guys were here, the window guy came and put a weather strip on one of the bathroom windows. Snow had blown in sometime in January and that was their solution to that issue. Good to have that little project crossed off the list too.

The good news of the day is Kathy is feeling much better. She seems to have turned a corner and is on her way to recovery. She still has a bit of a lingering cough but it is less frequent and doesn’t sound as deep. Fingers and toes crossed she doesn’t get a bounce back case from the Paxlovid. So far Jason is the last man standing in this house. Hope he continues to avoid it. My biggest fear with Covid is the risk of having long-term Covid afterwards. Dang, that would be bad.

I need to go down and do the chickens. I am grateful I carried a bucket of feed down yesterday so today I only have to take water. When I’m not feeling good, it can feel like a long walk down there and back up again. It is fairly nice out today so it will be good for me to get out and walk for a hot minute or two.

I am under house arrest through Saturday. After that I will wear a mask for five days if I get out. No real plans on getting out even then. I would feel really bad if I gave it to someone so will play it safe and stay in for 10 days at least. Hoping by then I will be feeling back to normal. It is easy for me to stay home for extended times so it isn’t much of a hardship to stay in. Jason said he could pick up things from town for me as needed. Grateful I just bought groceries Monday so I am all stocked. Funny how that worked out- I don’t usually do that on Monday.

Jason and I had dinner together Monday night. He was out last night and I didn’t see him yesterday. Hoping I wasn’t too contagious Monday and he will avoid this crap. He needs to work and not miss. Grateful I am retired and am not missing out on work.

Another curve ball the Universe threw me. It reminds me to slow down and allow things to unfold in their own way, at their own time. If I was going to get Covid again, now is a good time for me to have it. Not much on my calendar and not much that needed to be done urgently. I can do this!

Grateful for a mild case so far, grateful Kathy seems to be recovering well, and grateful the EFIS guys showed up today.