Last evening Ellexia started running a temperature. She had to stay home from school today. So far her temperature is staying below 100 today. She doesn’t have much energy and has laid in bed or in the chair most of the day.
We went out to do chores at the country house. Afterwards we went to Walgreen’s and got a humidifier for her bedroom as well as some Tylenol. Went to Freddie’s for lunch and came back to Ellexia’s house. It has been a quiet day for both of us.
Not sure if she will be able to go to school tomorrow or not. I’ll see if she spikes a temperature again tonight. If not I will probably send her back to school tomorrow. It is Valentine’s Day and a fun day to be at school. We need to get her Valentine’s ready this evening in case she can go back to school tomorrow.
Glad I didn’t have a tax preparation shift to do today. I was going to go out to my house and work on my own taxes but that will have to wait for another day. I have been doing a bit of laundry and cleaning today. The dogs have managed to track up the floors and they need cleaned up.
Tagen is going to go to his dad’s house tonight after school. He is going on a cruise with his dad and family next week and the last thing we want is for Tagen to get sick this week or to come down with the crud while on the cruise. If Ellexia is able to go to school tomorrow then Tagen will come here after school Thursday night.
I have tried to watch TV since I have been here and can’t find a thing worth watching. Guess I haven’t missed anything by not having a TV. I didn’t recognize the names of any of the programs that were on last night. Ended up watching the dog show. There was a beautiful Great Pyrenees in the finals of the herding group.
Ellexia has been counting down the days until her parents return. She agreed the time has gone by fast and we have gotten along OK. She said she may be braver now about spending more nights at my house.
I have the next two days to survive. So far – so good. It will be nice to get back home.
Grateful for the warmer weather today, grateful I was able to stay home and take care of Ellexia today, and grateful she is feeling better.