Went into Emporia this morning to run some errands and get a haircut. Tried to get a pet collar fixed but the lady at the store didn’t know any more about them than I did. Her boss was supposed to be there at 11:00 so I left and went back after my haircut. The boss wasn’t there yet so came home. I had purposely purchased the collars in town so I could get help if I needed it. That plan didn’t work out. I could have saved a lot of money if I had ordered them on-line to start with. So much for local service.
While I was driving home a relation of the couple staying here tonight called to tell me he left a package for my guests on my front porch. I was a bit anxious coming home as I was afraid the dogs would open it. Luckily he left it on the front porch of my neighbor’s house. It was wet but safe. I text him to let him know he left it at the wrong house and to let the guests know to come to the right house tonight. I put in the directions what color my house is and which way to turn on the driveway. Guess they don’t read all of the directions.
Need to do a bit more housecleaning this afternoon. Also want to make another batch of chocolate dipped peanut butter balls and Ritz cracker/peanut butter things. Then my holiday baking will be done unless I decide to do one more batch of fudge. Can’t do fudge today – need a sunshiny day to make it turn out right.
Heard it start to rain around 4:00 this morning. The rain stopped for the most part while I was in town but now it is very foggy and misty out. More rain is headed my way according to the forecast. I went to check how much rain I had gotten this morning and found my rain gauge was gone. Not sure how long it has been missing. Will have to add one to my list and pick one up next time I am in town. I like knowing how much rain I get.
Time to give some serious thought about our family Christmas that is happening Saturday. As of right now I have two presents ordered but not here yet. Still have some decisions to make and some gifts to figure out. Nothing like waiting till the last-minute. I keep changing my mind what to do for my kids. Time to decide and make it happen.
I was concerned about yesterday. It was the first Christmas Day that I spent totally alone all day. Had a couple of phone calls and texts but didn’t see anyone else. I did much better than I thought I would do with it.
Sitting in my peaceful, quiet valley today. Feels like something has shifted inside again – in a good way. I feel calm, balanced and life seems easy today. Major changes are coming my way and I feel energized about them. Time to take some risks and do things a bit differently than I have been.
Grateful for the pick-me-up a haircut always gives me, grateful for the rain the prairie is receiving today, and grateful for the changes that are coming my way. Helps to keep life interesting.