Today is the second anniversary of the death of my son-in-law. I think of him often and especially today. I am struck today by how many people he touched and continues to touch. My life was changed in many ways with his death – I like to think for the better. I certainly have learned not to waste time and put things off. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. I went on four international trips with Nicole since Chris died – trips I would not have gone on. The trip to Peru especially was life-changing for me. Working to learn my life lessons and make positive changes happen as a result of what my family went through. I hold Chris’s dads in my heart today as well as his extended family and friends.
I went to KC this morning. Made a stop at Old Navy to get two more pair of pajamas and then met two dear friends for lunch. Always good to catch up with friends. After lunch I went to Sprout’s to get a few things and then Nicole met me at Costco. It was good to see Nicole today. After I left Costco I stopped at Hy-Vee and then came home. Had to do chicken chores by flash light as it was dark by the time I got home.
I was surprised it rained in KC today. I hadn’t seen rain in the forecast. It was foggy and cloudy here today. I’m glad I was in KC today as it wasn’t a good fudge making day. The forecast shows that the wind will in a hurry tomorrow. I won’t have time for a hike tomorrow so it is a good day for the wind to blow.
Found a whole ham at Hy-Vee. I had looked in Emporia and could only find half of hams. For some reason I think the whole hams taste better. Don’t really need that much meat but I will figure something to make to use the leftovers up. I like ham salad.
Tomorrow some friends are coming over at noon so we can celebrate Winter Solstice. I am going to make some soup for lunch for them. I love celebrating Solstice and Equinox. When one aligns with Mother Nature good things happen. I look back at where I was when I first started celebrating the Winter Solstice and marvel at my own growth.
Got the results of my Thyroid Antibody test results back. My levels are back within normal limits. There is absolutely no sign of cancer anymore. I had been told it would take up to three years for that to happen so was a bit surprised after only fifteen months my levels are already at the normal level. Feel like I got an early Christmas gift with those results. I wonder how much the changes I have made in my diet impacted the results. Trusting it helped. Results like this provide the motivation I need to continue to resist eating foods that contain flour or sugar.
I had a UA done to make sure the UTI I had the end of October was gone. The UA was on the high side of normal or slightly over the limits. My Doctor decided not to treat me with another round of antibiotics. Trusting he made the correct decision. I will do my best to continue to drink lots of extra water to continue to flush my system out. It was hard to drink enough when I was traveling.
I need to remember to go into Emporia tomorrow evening so I can babysit the grandkids. Michelle and Tim have a work Christmas party to go to.
My heart is full of gratitude tonight for my dear friends and the way they support me. It has been a day of remembrance of my son-in-law and honoring his memory. He is so missed and loved.
Grateful for dear friends, grateful for the sweet memories I hold in my heart of my son-in-law, and grateful for blood tests that show my cancer is gone!