Went to Council Grove today to meet a dear friend for lunch. I found the UPS drop off place in Council Grove and dropped off the stool test that Colonguard had sent me. Went to the grocery store and got some bananas and then met my friend for a long lunch.
Always a great time visiting with my soul sister. We can go deep with each other and share anything and everything. Lunches like this are good for my soul.
I’m lucky enough to get to do this again tomorrow with a different friend. I am going back to Council Grove tomorrow to meet someone else. Wow! I’m lucky to get to have two heart-to-heart conversations in the same week.
Came home feeling very restless. Not sure what that is from. I will allow it and see what it has to tell me. Sometimes it has a message for me and other times it is just restless energy that needs released.
I did chicken chores. Have more demand than eggs right now. The girls are only giving me between 8 – 14 eggs a day right now. They are on their winter slow down. I keep a running list of people that want eggs and fill the requests as the girls give me eggs. Lots of Christmas baking going on right now and people are using lots of eggs. Wish I could keep up with the demand.
Need to do some housecleaning this afternoon and move my body. Sometimes that helps move out the restless energy that is pent up inside.
I stopped in Strong City on the way home to see if the plumber and ditch digger has made it to my rental house in Cottonwood Falls yet. So far no, they are waiting for a utility company to come mark something before they can dig. Trusting it will get taken care of soon. It is no fun to have to live with a plugged sewer line. I’ll check again tomorrow to see if they are making any progress.
Have a bit of an upset tummy this afternoon. Trusting it will calm down soon. Not sure what it is from.
No plans for the weekend. I have some overdue housework that needs done so will spend the weekend cleaning. I get restless when my house gets dirty and it is reaching the point of no return right now. Time to get it cleaned up.
Not much on my calendar for next week. I am hosting a Solstice Celebration Thursday evening but other than that I have a free week ahead for myself. If anyone needs help getting ready for your Christmas celebrations, let me know and I would be happy to come help you out.
I ordered blinds for the main floor of the house. Sure hate to spend that much money on blinds but I really need some sort of window covering to block out some strong sunlight. They are to be in within two weeks if all goes well. Some orders have been delayed lately so the lady doesn’t promise a date anymore. They will be here when they are here.
Hoping the clouds part so we can watch the meteor shower that is peaking tonight and tomorrow night. I love watching them streak through the night sky. The moon is not going to be a problem tonight and the meteors will be easy to be seen if the clouds will part.
No plans for the weekend. Next week one day I am watching Cody for the day. That will keep me busy. Thursday next week is the Solstice Ceremony but other than that my week is pretty empty. Maybe I will get some long overdue housecleaning done. Maybe not!
Kathy got the mini trampoline put together for me. I wasn’t strong enough to pull the cords to hook it. She worked on it and figured out a way to get it done. I appreciate her help. So far I have just lightly bounced on it without my feet leaving the base. I hope to work up to spending more time each day on it. It is supposed to be good for your lymph system to get it moving. I need something to get me moving.
Sitting with lots of restlessness this afternoon along with a bit of an upset tummy. Not sure what it is trying to tell me. I will sit with it and allow it to be. Sometimes I can figure it out and sometimes I can’t. And this too shall pass.
Grateful for the time with my dear friend today, grateful for a safe trip to and from Council Grove, and grateful that this too shall pass….