Wednesday, August 31, 2022

I am tuckered out.  We walked over 6 miles today and I took over 15,000 steps.    We took the Metro to the Mall.  We went one too many stations so had to walk a bit longer than expected.  Since we were close to the Capital Building we walked by it and then went in the Library of Congress.

We were walking up to it and Jim started talking to a young man from CO.  When we got to the Library of Congress we discovered you have to have a timed entry pass.  I got on my phone and got all three of us one.

I had never been in that beautiful old building.  I was glad we ended up there.  Jim loves seeing Thomas Jefferson’s library.  I enjoy the building itself.

From there we walked down to the Mall and to the African American Museum.  We spent three hours there and probably could have spent longer.  It was the first time either of us had been in it.  Jim teaches an OSHER class on Black History and appreciated the museum very much.  The slavery stories and stories about lynchings were hard to hear and read but necessary to do so.  It is a dream that someday we will do better.

From there we walked to the Metro Station and came back to Silver Spring.  We managed, with the help of Maps on our iPhones to get there and back without getting too turned around.  This city is not easy to get around in.

We have rested in our room for about an hour and are getting ready to go have dinner with Thomas and Judy.  They are grilling steaks for our dinner tonight.

Not sure yet what the plan is for tomorrow.  I may be too sore to get out of bed and move but we will see.  Taking a quiet day sounds good to me.

I was pleasantly surprised that there were not hundreds and thousands of people out and about today.  It was still too peopley for my liking but it wasn’t a mob scene by any means.

Got a report from my house sitter that one of my chickens died.  I hate that she had to deal with that.  Down to 24 chickens now.  Never knows what causes one of them to die but it seems to happen occasionally.  Part of farm life that is hard to deal with.

Grateful for the beauty of these old buildings in DC, grateful that hard stories of our past are being shared and told, and grateful for my house sitter.