Finished the mailing for Pioneer Bluffs this morning around 9:00. Kathy helped me glue shut the last two hundred of them. I worked on them off and on all night as sleep was hard to find. Good to get that project done.
I am not sure I am a fan of a bra that fits. My others were so big on me I couldn’t tell I had them on. This new one has felt tight all day. No wonder women can’t wait till they get home to take off their bras. I have never felt I needed to before.
I did notice that my shirt doesn’t gap like it did before. Guess when they are up north where they belong they help make a shirt fit better. Kathy said I looked perky! Feel like I have chosen pain to be perky. I’ll see what I choose tomorrow.
Can you tell I am not a fashion-minded gal? You will know I have really gone over the deep end if you ever see me in a cute pair of shoes. I gave cute shoes up years ago when my feet started hurting. Now that I have had my feet fixed I may try a pair of cute shoes to see if I can wear them now. I am more of a comfort first type of gal. We will see what happens!
Took my car to town to get the new filter put on it. They did it in less than an hour. I had fallen asleep in one of their waiting room chairs. I slept all of five minutes but it felt like I had slept longer. The guy felt bad he had to wake me up. At least FOX News wasn’t on the TV in the waiting room today.
Stopped and got some groceries after my car was done and then headed home. I forgot lettuce for my chickens and Epsom Salts. Need to remember to write things down as I can’t trust much of anything to my memory any more.
I did remember to take the back pack I had forgotten to take to Nicole to Michelle. Michelle is going to go see Nicole tomorrow. That worked!
This was going to be a week I had nothing to do. So far it hasn’t turned into that. Maybe the rest of the week and weekend will quiet down enough I can get bored. So far I only have a picnic on Sunday evening on my calendar for the rest of the week.
Tomorrow I hope to get the chicken house cleaned out. With the rain we had it got wet and smells more than normal. The chickens always enjoy fresh linens. They gave me 14 eggs so far today.
Another beautiful day on the prairie. Low 80’s with lots of blue skies and sunshine. Loving the fact that my windows are open.
My heart feels a bit heavy with all the stuff happening around me. I have two loved ones that have experienced major medical issues. My news feed is full of tragic situations unfolding in Texas as a result of the hurricane. The political stuff seems to continue to keep getting crazier by the day. Yet I know there is lots of good stuff happening around me too. Sometimes it is hard to keep it all in perspective and balance. May be time to step away from the news for a couple of days and reground myself. I want to be a positive force in this cray world and stay out of the muck pond. It sure seems easy to fall into it these days.
All is well on the prairie and in the world. Even when it doesn’t feel like it is. All IS well!