Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Have three loads of laundry done and put away.  May not get anything done today.  No motivation to do anything again today.  It is cloudy and cool out today – may be a good day for a nap.

Have a long list of things I want to get while I’m in KC tomorrow.  I doubt I will cross everything off though.  City energy wears me out quickly and I will need to come home sooner rather than later.  I’m meeting two dear friends for lunch and then Nicole is taking me bra shopping.  That may be all I get done.  I may try to go up early and get at least one stop made before lunch.  Have a few things to get at Costco and really want to pick up a new skirt or two.

I did make a grocery list for the family dinner we are having a week from Saturday.  Deciding what to fix is always the hard part so I’m glad that part is done.  I am going to fix  something that I can eat along with some side dishes for the others.  Someone else is bringing dessert so won’t have to make that.  I let them know I wouldn’t be eating it – not because it isn’t good but because I no longer eat flour and sugar.  They called me weird!  May be true but weird feels good these days!

My guests shot guns in my backyard last night.  They are hoping to hunt coyotes.  Both have guns in their bedrooms.  Not something I am comfortable with but working on accepting it and not letting it pull me off-center.  If it continues to bother me after a few days I will ask them not to bring the guns into the house.  There is an old proverb that says what someone else does is none of my business and to stay focused on what I do.  Guns are something I am not comfortable around.  No real reason for that.  I was raised with guns in the house as my dad and brothers did a lot of hunting.  I understand guns don’t shoot people – people shoot people using guns.  Guns just represent what I feel is wrong with our society.  I dislike the whole concept of war and killing people just because they don’t believe what I believe.  I have yet to see violence solving any real problems.  Time for me to open my range around guns up and develop a wider tolerance for them.  Not that I ever plan to shoot a gun!

I get stuck in my own belief patterns sometimes.  It is good for me to use this as an opportunity to open another range as a reminder to myself to continue to observe other places that I have locked myself into a limited belief pattern and open it up.  They are hard to spot sometimes – easy for me to see in others but not in myself.  There is a good reason we call them blind spots!  You only know what you know until you know better!

Got a call yesterday asking if I had a room available for another long-term boarder.  I don’t right now.  This encourages me though that when these two leave I may be able to find a few more to take their place.  It sure it easier having long-term boarders than cleaning and flipping rooms daily.  It will be fun to see what business continues to come my way in the future.

Have a woman coming in Sunday that is staying for two weeks.  That will make a full house for me for those two weeks.  Sure have appreciated the extra income the Airbnb has provided.

Worked down in the storage room for a bit this morning.  I didn’t find much to get rid of though. I have two things to take to Goodwill and another thing to put in the recycling bin.  Still have an extra twin mattress and box springs in the room so it is hard to get to all the totes to see what I have.  Anyone need a fairly new twin mattress and box springs?

Grateful for an opportunity for me to open another range (I think), grateful for my Airbnb guests, and grateful for the rain the prairie received the last two days.



One Reply to “Wednesday, August 15, 2018”

  1. Hi Kay, Just my thoughts on the gun thing. If you feel uncomfortable around them you have every right not to allow them. When I go to Kansas I am well aware that Pat does not allow them in his house. I will not disrespect that. Randy doesn’t mind them so I usually stay with them. Just a suggestion that if you would rather not have them to let folks know ahead of time. No one likes to lock them in their car for fear that someone would steal them that shouldn’t have a gun. I am sure you do not have much of a problem around there but here little gangbangers just love to get ahold of guns. I only bring mine because I always travel alone. Not for any other reason. Love you Girl.

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