I did no work on my classes or marketing plans today. I had my physical this afternoon and did some errand running in Emporia before I came home. My physical was not what I called a physical. The Doctor listened to my heart and lungs and checked my ankles for swelling and that is all the hands on he did.
I discussed with him my unstable TSH levels. He added some extra blood work to check for inflammation and autoimmune problems. He is also checking for Celiac disease. I have to go to the lab tomorrow to have the blood drawn as some of the tests require me to be fasting.
The scheduling department is to call me and schedule a mammogram sometime soon.
I did ask the doctor if my Advanced Directives were charted. They are not so will take a copy with me when I go to the lab tomorrow and drop them by his office so they can get charted. I had given my Advanced Directives to my other doctor but they must not have transferred with the rest of my medical records when I switched doctors.
I didn’t get much else done today. I don’t feel like I have much energy today. Good thing I didn’t have anything that had to be done. Not sure it would have gotten done.
Other than the blood draw I don’t have anything on my calendar for tomorrow. Hopefully I will find something productive to do with myself. I don’t like lots of lazy days in a row. I feel better about myself when I do something productive during the day.
Tomorrow I need to bake Jim some more cookies. He is on his last bag of them. I bake a double batch and freeze them for him. I enjoy making them and he enjoys eating them.
I picked up a Roku device for the TV that is downstairs. I may go down tonight and get it hooked up and running. I trained Jim on how to use the one in the study. He wants the extra apps to disappear but not sure I can do that. I trust Jim will get used to the new way of getting to his news program soon. Change is hard sometimes!
I haven’t gotten the shipping box from DISH so I can return their equipment. Trusting it will come in this week. I will be glad when I am done with them.
Grateful my physical is over, grateful the doctor is exploring reasons my TSH levels are wacky, and grateful I can go to bed early tonight if I choose to do so.