Wednesday, April 11, 2018

When I went down to check on the baby chickens last night I discovered the floor drain had backed up yet again.  I called my plumber this morning and he is here now fixing it for me.  He can’t understand why this keeps happening.   Wish we could fix the problem for good.  He got it unplugged – said it was about eight feet down the line.  He couldn’t recommend anything for me to do to prevent it from happening again.  Thinking the house was plumbed wrong to begin with.

Kathy and Bow went to coffee this morning in Strong City.  Wished I could go but I don’t enjoy events like that.  I love most of the women that come but just don’t function well in groups talking small talk.  Drains my energy and I do better staying home alone.  Much prefer small groups of one, two or three people.

Kathy took my egg stash to coffee to hopefully get rid of them for me.  Someone had requested two dozen so am thinking she will come home empty-handed.  With six of us eating eggs daily my stash has been slower to build up lately.  The chickens went on a mini strike due to the unseasonal cold weather and have not been laying as good either.  They are ready for spring to come and stay too!

Had a rough night last night.  Woke up in the middle of the night feeling weird.  Not sure what was going on.  When I laid on my right side I really felt bad.  Finally went to the bathroom several times.  Checked my blood pressure and it was very high.  I had run hot all day yesterday but all of a sudden I started shaking I was so cold.  About an hour later I fell back asleep and felt better this morning.  Wish I knew what happened.  Felt bad enough for a few minutes I thought about calling Kathy and having her come up and check me out.  My blood pressure was fine this morning when I checked it when I woke up at 7:30.

I went to bed at 8:00 and woke up at 10:30 thinking it was morning.  Got some more sleep before I woke up not feeling good and then slept some more afterwards.  One of my life goals is to be able to sleep eight hours a night straight through without waking up.  Some day it will happen!  A girl has to dream anyways!

Nothing on my calendar that has to be done today.  Tomorrow a friend is coming to visit for the day.  Sunday I have an event at Pioneer Bluffs I volunteered to help with.    Nice to have things spread out a bit with empty space in between events.

Supposed to hit 81 today and 84 tomorrow.  With the high wind it is hard to want to get outside and enjoy the warm weather.  Possibility of rain on Friday now.  That will make the wind tolerable if it blows in a good spring shower.  Only to be 38 on Saturday.  Mother Nature is bi-polar these days.  Poor trees don’t know if it is safe to bud out or not.

Set out three more boxes with my trash today.  My throw away pile in the barn is starting to get low.  Three or four more weeks and it will be gone.  Glad to have that little project almost done.

Two more weeks and the baby chicks can go out to the big house.  I’ll be glad when they are outside.  They seem to make a mess inside.  They still haven’t flown over the little pen yet so counting that as a win for me.  Trusting the rooster will not kill them when I take them outside.  Still thinking at least one of them is a rooster – if not both. If so I will have to eliminate one or both as I only can handle one rooster.  They are both part Ameraucana so they will be green egg layers if they are hens.  May keep one of them and get rid of the other rooster as I like green eggs.  My other rooster is a Buff Orpington.

Next week I will need to clean the whole house as I have four guests coming April 21 – 22.  Two bedrooms and two bathrooms have already been detailed clean so will just need to spot clean those four rooms.  Have another guest coming April 24 and staying until April 29.  I will get two bookings out of one cleaning!  Love when it happens like that.

Grateful my plumber responded so quickly and got my drain unplugged, grateful I am feeling better this morning, and grateful I have a day full of empty space and can do whatever I want which may be doing nothing!