Good news! I got the blood draw results back and my levels are low enough that I am being referred to a surgeon. I got this information from the on-line My Chart Program. I haven’t spoken with the Endocrinologist office yet. I called the surgeon’s office to ask how this process works. They haven’t received the paperwork yet and are to call me when they do. This sounds familiar! Trusting the paperwork will show up and they will call me. I will call them again tomorrow afternoon if I haven’t heard anything. She did say I didn’t need a referral to be seen, however when I told her I was to have my thyroid removed, she said they need to see the order before they can proceed.
Trusting the communication between the two doctor’s offices will go smoother than the communication between the hospital and the Endocrinologist office went. I had been told the surgeon usually can see patients within a week of the referral. Guess I will see if that is true.
One step closer to the finish line of this part of my journey.
I got the basement completely cleaned yesterday. Only have part of the main floor to detail clean over the next couple of days and I will be ready for my guests to arrive this weekend. It will be an easy weekend for me as I only have to fix one breakfast and the guests will be gone most of the time. I do have some where to go Sunday at noon so will have to push the guests out early.
My plumber called back. He told me to run water every day for a week in the floor sink where I have been smelling sewer. If that doesn’t fix the issue than I am to call him back and he will come out. He didn’t seem worried that the lagoon was really low.
Prairie Past Times is having an art day this afternoon. You can bring any art projects you are working on and join in community with others doing the same. Think I will take some knitting and go join in the conversation. All are invited to come from 1:00 – 4:00 today.
I am making an effort to get out more and be in the world more. It is too easy to allow myself to sit at home all the time and not be with others. Not sure it serves my best interest to isolate myself so much. Striving to figure out what my balance in all this should be.
I did not eat very good yesterday. I think all I ate was sugar. I felt icky last night as a result. It has helped me once again understand I need to nourish my body better and avoid sugar. Day One being sugar-free starts today!
I need to get some groceries and didn’t want to go to Emporia today. I just remembered the grocery store in Strong City has reopened and they have meat and produce. Score one for the home team today!
This cold weather makes me want to make some veggie soup. That is about the only way I will eat veggies.
If I am going to go play this afternoon I better get some cleaning done first. So grateful I have the energy to do so as I continue to feel better each day. Five good days in a row! I got this!
All is well on the much cooler and wet prairie today!
So glad you are feeling better and getting out. Proud of you, Sis.
It was great talking to you Sunday night. AND you’ve GOT THIS 🙂