Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Last night one of my long-termers found out he had to head out to work the potential power outage that may be caused by the hurricane blowing in.  He left at 5:30 this morning for his staging area in Atlanta and is not sure when he will be back.  His wife had plans this week so she left early morning too.  She has to work in Topeka next week so she will be back the first of next week.  The other lineman had to stay behind and continue to work the contract job they are working on.

When I got up this morning I had another email from my match guy from KS.  Good thing I hadn’t taken my shower yet as I needed a cold shower after I read it to cool down.  My, he has a gift for words and making a lady feel special.  Our meeting Saturday may be interesting!  Wouldn’t it be amazing if the chemistry between us is there.  So hard to tell from brief phone calls and emails.  Doing my best not to get too excited yet – he has fallen off the cliff head over heels already!  Crossing my fingers this works as I don’t want to see him get hurt.

Went into Emporia and signed papers to buy my fourth rental property.  I didn’t go through this one but I completely trust my partner and he tells me it is a good deal.  We will close around the first of October.  It already has renters in it – how lucky is that?  I will need to call and get insurance for it but will have to have the insurance agent talk to my partner as I have no clue how to answer the hundred questions they ask.  I’m not even sure how many bedrooms and bathrooms it has let alone all the other stuff they ask.

From Emporia I drove to Wichita.  I went to Cabella’s to look for a shirt in a certain color.  I had gotten a shirt from them before I walked the Camino and every time I wear it someone compliments me on it.  They only had one shirt in that color in stock and it was too big.  I will look on-line and see if I can find one.  I did get two pair of trail pants to wear in Australia, a hoodie, and some long-sleeve shirts.

Went to Chipotle’s for lunch and then stopped at Costco before I headed for the hills and home.  It was a beautiful day to drive through the heart of the Flint Hills today.  There were enough clouds to cause shadows on the hills with other spots of full sunshine.  I love when that happens.  The grass is turning to fall colors.  The ditches are full of wild sunflowers.  I just love this time of year.  Low 80’s and no wind or humidity today.  Perfection!

Today marks my seven month anniversary being on the Bright Lines Eating Plan.  I have lost 43 pounds in the seven months.  Went from a size 12 to a size 4 and sometimes a size 2.  I never thought I would get this size when I started.  The eating plan sure feels like something I can stay on forever now.  I rarely get tempted to cheat and when I do I ask myself if I want that non approved food and then have to do the Radioactive Iodine Treatment or do I want to pass on the not allowed food.  So far, I have passed on eating the non approved food.  I know myself well enough to know it is far easier for me to stay completely off the sugar wagon than allow myself a bite here and there and then have to climb back on the wagon.  I do not trust myself that I would find the will power to climb back on.  Easier to just stay on the plan and avoid flour and sugar products and snacking.

Didn’t get any cleaning done today as I have been gone most of the day.  Maybe tomorrow will be the day I will get some done.  I have been lazy lately and haven’t been cleaning as much as I should have been.  The house has reached my point of disgusting and it is time to get it cleaned up again.

Finally remembered to call the plumber about my garbage disposal.  It wouldn’t make a noise when I turned it on.  Tim was out this morning and we checked the plug-in and it works.  Luckily the plumber told me about the red reset button on the bottom of the disposal and it now works!  Yeah!!!!  That was easy and cheap!!!

My life is so good right now I keep questioning myself if I want to allow someone else in right now.  I am happier than I have been for years and life feels easy.  Will adding a relationship screw that up?  Trusting that when I find the right guy he will only add more happiness and joy to my life and not suck it out of me.

Grateful for the beauty of the Flint Hills during this time of the year, grateful for my business partner and his knowledge and wisdom and trust, and grateful for the possibility of romance in my life.  I think I am ready!  I think I can!  I think I can!


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