Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween. Craig and I were married in 1979 on this day. Makes it easy to remember the date! I’m grateful for the years we had together and the years since. We are both happier now then we were together.

Went to Emporia this afternoon. I needed yogurt that Walmart and the other grocery store was out of yesterday. Luckily they had it today. Since I went inside to get it, I happened to see some things that reminded me of the big Thanksgiving Dinner I will be fixing soon. I picked up some canned goods and a few other things to get that shopping started. Makes me feel like I don’t spend as much when I do the big shopping trip the week of Thanksgiving.

Gathered up the trash and took it down to the curb. I am slowly removing a bunch of trash from the barn. I need to get some big trash bags and bag some more stuff up. Our trash guys only take bagged trash. Still have a bunch to go but am making progress getting rid of stuff. Throwing things out gives me great satisfaction and there is a lot of satisfaction to go in the barn!

It is a beautiful but cold day on the prairie. It reached 40 today so the warm front is starting to come in. It is to be in the mid 60’s in a few more days. This cold blast reminded me that winter is coming. I will enjoy these next few days of the 60’s as we won’t see many more before spring. Hoping we have a relatively mild winter.

Got my thyroid thyroglobulin results back. This is the test that checks for cancer and the results were less than 1 which is normal and means no cancer detected. I’m always grateful when I get those results back and this is the result. I’m grateful my Endocrinologist still checks them and is keeping a close eye on me for the rare chance that the cancer comes back.

The other Thyroglobulin test came back excellent too. My levels had been less than .1 for months and had risen to .2 for a bit. This time they came back down to less than .1. Not sure what made them rise but grateful they are back to almost non-detectable levels.

I roasted a whole chicken in the crock pot today. I had some before I went to town. I love chicken cooked that way – it is very tender and juicy. I will debone it and have good tasting chicken for several days. Sure made the house smell good all day.

I have had a thought stuck in my head for a couple of days now. I can’t seem to make it go away. I’ve tried several of my tricks and none have worked so far. Guess it will leave on it’s own time and not mine. I got a bit down thinking about the situation on my mind this morning but was able to shake that off and get back above the neutral level. It isn’t even a realistic situation that I am ruminating about – it is possible but not probable. Wish I knew how and why that happens and how to turn it off.

I remembered to call the window people to get an update. I had to leave a message and they haven’t had time to call me back yet. Still hoping they are coming this week. It would be a good week for it. I would love to get them in and the EFIS fixed before winter hits.

Grateful for great blood test results, grateful my yogurt is restocked, and grateful for the smell of chicken cooking.