Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Another Doctor day. Had my physical today. Was surprised he didn’t do a Pap smear as I haven’t had one since 2008 but oh well. I had a complete hysterectomy in 2003 so maybe I don’t need one anymore. I still do have my cervix though. I even shaved my legs last night in preparation for it.

I agreed to take the shingles vaccine and I got a tetanus booster as I hadn’t had a booster in 15 years. My arm is already sore from the two shots. I did refuse the flu shot again. They are required to ask if I want one every time I go into the office.

Instead of smashing a pumpkin for Halloween I got my boobs smashed. I hadn’t had a mammogram since 2008. They haven’t changed any! They requested my records from my last one but I just threw away that information a couple weeks ago when I cleaned out my files. One of the few things I have thrown away that I wished I hadn’t. Oh well, they will just have to deal with out my previous information.
I was surprised I was able to get the mammogram done today. They had just had a cancellation and after my physical I was able to get it done today.

I lucked out with not having to have a blood draw as they still had extra blood leftover from the draw last Friday.

We decided I didn’t need to be referred to the Cardiologist as I am not having any current symptoms. If the rapid heart beat and shortness of breath returns he will refer me then. He correctly guessed I am getting tired of going to see Doctors. Although he did say since I have met my out-of-pocket deductible for the year it would be a good time to go if I wanted to. That really doesn’t seem to be enough of a reason to have a test done though.

He told me my liver ALT numbers weren’t too impressive even though they were well above range. He said that was all part of the process and things will settle down after I have the ablation and get my thyroid meds stabilized.

I gained another pound since Friday. He predicts I will gain at least 15 more pounds until things get settled. I ask if I could opt out of that choice! Damn! The glory days of losing weight easily are over. He told me not to extreme diet or to starve myself as that will cause even more problems later and probably wouldn’t do any good anyways.

He ordered some sort of Colonguard test to be sent to me that I will do at home. Not sure what is involved with that but it is a home colon test. If it comes back positive then you have to have the real deal done.

The best news of the day is I walked out without a new prescription. He decided not to give me a 90 day script for the two new drugs he had added after I was in the hospital as he thinks I can come off of them after the ablation. I can get two refills before the insurance company starts yelling at me to do the ninety day mail-in thing.

Just as I was finishing up getting my boobs smashed Craig called. He was on his way home from Topeka from a doctor’s appointment. We met at Radius and had a late lunch or early dinner as it was after 4:00 when we met. Today would have been our 39th wedding anniversary so it was nice to share part of the day with him. Glad we are still friends.

I haven’t heard from the Endocrinologist about my medication refill. I sent her a note via MyChart yesterday. I’ll have to call her office tomorrow. I don’t like being ignored like this.

As far as I know I will get a break from doctors until my ultrasound on November 14 once I get my medication refill sorted out tomorrow.

I picked up the eye drops the eye doctor recommended I try today while I was in town. I’ll start them tomorrow to see if they help with the blurriness I have been having. Picked up some more laxative. This slowing down of my system slows everything down! Crazy!

On my way home I went into Cottonwood Falls. There was a fabric give away and I wanted to pick some up to make some aprons. I found four different pieces that will make cute aprons. One of my dear friends organized the fabric exchange or give away. I didn’t take any fabric in but they were glad I came in and took some home. Good job Sharon!

We had some snow flurries today. The streets were wet when I went into Cottonwood Falls. They got more moisture than Emporia had gotten. It is to be in the 60’s tomorrow. Gotta love Kansas weather.

Glad the physical is over and done and checked off my list. Still need to get my teeth cleaned and I will have my to-do list the Endocrinologist gave me done.

Cold. Snow flurries. Halloween. All is well on the prairie today.