Another day spent away from home. Kathy and I met a friend for lunch and then went to Prairie Past Times for their art afternoon. Always fun to spend time with dear friends.
After that we went into Emporia as Kathy was going to get her ears checked and they ask her to bring someone with her. After waiting for over thirty minutes past her appointment time she decided to leave. The energy of that place was not good. I could hear the guy selling them talking to some customers. He was using fear to drive their decision. That always turns me off.
I called Walgreen’s to see if my sleeping pills were ready. They had a technical glitch and hadn’t received their shipment today. Initially they told me I would have to wait one more day before they could fill my prescription. Thankfully Alice was working and she graciously agreed to call to see if another pharmacy in town had them in stock. She called me back and told me Grave’s had them. I had to go to Walgreen’s to pick up the prescription paper to take to Grave’s. We went to Grave’s to get it filled and thankfully that only took five minutes or so. My insurance picked up 100% of the cost since I have reached my out-of-pocket maximum.
We filled the car with gas and stopped at the Health Food Store to get something Kathy needed and came home. My new iPad had been delivered while we were gone. It is charging now. I will get it set up this evening after it finishes charging.
I was up at the butt crack of dawn this morning. I got to watch the sun rise. When you go to bed when the sun does you get up early. I got some sleep last night off and on. I’m so excited to try the new sleeping pills and see if they help. Not sure I will try a fourth one if they don’t.
Almost finished knitting a shawl today. Only have the last 15 or 20 rows to go. I started it this morning before the sun came up. Did some laundry, knitted, and visited with friend today. If I hadn’t gone into Emporia it would have been a nice day. So far it looks like I will get to stay home all day tomorrow. As far as I know I don’t have to go to town. Kathy invited some friends over for Thursday evening and I need to make something to serve. I was going to get stuff today while I was in town and forgot. Maybe I can get stuff at the grocery store in Strong City instead.
I sent a note to the Endocrinologist informing her of the pathology results and letting her know I expect to find out what, if anything, is needed next. I don’t think I could handle getting there and finding out she hadn’t read the results and didn’t have a plan ready for me. I will see if sending the note does any good. I have reached the point I need to know what is going on. It has been three weeks since I found out I have cancer and I haven’t spoken to a doctor about it yet.
My house is reaching the point I need to clean it. It is starting to bother me. Good thing I will be home tomorrow so I can get at it. Still need to get my apple butter made. I keep forgetting to make it. Maybe I can work on that tomorrow too.
Feeling a bit that I have put things on hold again waiting to hear what the doctor says Friday. My gut tells me future treatment of some sort will be needed. Sure hope I am wrong. If it is they will have to work around my Peru trip. I am not cancelling that trip. I need it for my mental health!
Craving a day at home. It is a windy day on the prairie today. All is well!