Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sophia got me up at 1:00 this morning as she needed to go outside. I bundled up and took her for a walk. She did her business and I came home and went back to bed. I had trouble falling back asleep but finally did around 3:00.

I got up and did a bit of housecleaning. My guests came around 10:00 and stayed until about 1:00. It was fun visiting with them. I had’t seem them since May so we had a lot to catch up on.

Kathy left for the hotel early afternoon. She has an early flight tomorrow morning and decided to drive up tonight. I wish her safe travels and a fun time in CT.

After they left I went to Emporia for exercise. It was a fairly easy session and the time went fast. Afterwards I went to Sherwin Williams and got paint for the front porch. I hope to start painting tomorrow if it is warm enough. It will take me a bit to get all the railing posts painted.

I walked the dogs when I got home. I don’t like this cooler weather. It is to warm up later this week. I broke down and turned the furnace on this morning as it was down to 64 in the house. Once I get cold I have a hard time getting warm again.

No plans to leave the house the next two days. Hoping I can paint and do things round here. I will be walking dogs for about two hours a day for the next ten days to that will take a chunk out of each day. Each dog gets walked for 15 minutes four times a day. Take that times two and it takes two hours a day.

I saw a quote today that I have been thinking about all day. It said “So many becoming so obsessed with the human experience they have lost all connection to their soul and its purpose.” It is creating two different realities currently. That really rang true for me. I really feel the world is splitting into two different realities – one based in love and peace and one based in hate and war. I can’t quite wrap my head around what the future will hold but it does feel like there are two paths ahead for all of us to choose between. My task right now is to continue to ground myself in love and peace and to make that choice every chance I get.

Grateful for a visit from friends, grateful for two stay at home days ahead of me, and grateful to be on a path of love and peace.