Seven years ago I walked into Santiago, Spain after traveling over 500 miles – mostly on foot. What a journey I had. The lessons I learned on the trail remain with me and continue to teach me more about myself. It was a trip of a lifetime for me and am ever so grateful I found the courage to do the Camino. I treasure the friends I made along the way – especially Tom and Carolyn Maloney from CA. I remain grateful to all of you that helped me on my journey by sending good vibes, prayers, well wishes, etc.
I went to Emporia this morning to pick up my prescriptions and a few groceries. Found out the Endocrinologist office had called in the prescription for Synthroid 100 and not the 112 as the nurse told me she did. We got that fixed at the pharmacy. I had an old prescription on file that still had a refill available on the 112 so they were able to return the 100 and fill the 112. Found out the pharmacy has been using Good RX to reduce the price of the Tirosint instead of charging my insurance company. I have never understood how Good RX works but many times it is cheaper to get your prescriptions using Good RX then it is to use your insurance. The nurse had called in a two month supply and Good RX will only work for a one month supply. The pharmacy had to return the two month order and replace it with a one month order. Saved over $100 by doing it this way. Man! That was not an easy trip to the pharmacy but am ever so grateful I had a wonderful clerk that stuck with me and helped me work through it all. Who knew buying prescriptions could be so complicated.
Haven’t gotten much else done today. The wind is blowing 20 mph plus today. Sure hoping it is going to blow in some rain. The dust is mighty thick today. I have the house open anyways as I need some fresh air today.
A guy I used to work with years and years ago died. I happened to see and read his obit. Found out a friend connection I didn’t know before. I have a friend in Manhattan who is best friends with this guy’s brother and wife. What a small world! I have met this brother and his wife before but hadn’t made the connection to them having the same last name as my friend who died.
Thursday I am going to Topeka to take my car to have the Starlink system checked out. I have been getting messages that it isn’t working ever since we had the window broken out. Not sure if the two are connected but thinking they are. Hopefully it will be a quick fix as I am going to wait for the car while they work on it. I don’t know if they do loaner cars in case it will take hours to get fixed.
Nothing on the calendar for tomorrow. It is to rain part of the day so will be a good day to stay home and enjoy the rain. Maybe it will rain enough to settle the dust a bit and I can dust my furniture and have it remain dust free longer than an hour or two. You can write your name in the dust on my coffee table today. Coffee table art work – who knew?
Feeling my mood elevator starting to go back up again – finally. It was a long hard fall into the muck pond this time. Hard to sit with my strong emotions at time. Grateful that I am climbing out and have learned some new things about myself. Next September I need to set the intention that my lessons will come in an easier, gentler way.
Grateful the prescription thing got figured out, grateful for the life lessons I learned on the Camino, and grateful my mood elevator is rising up and out of the muck pond of life.