Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Busy day as I had two different doctor appointments. My dressing fell off when I got out of the shower this morning so it made it easy for the nurse as the purpose of the visit was to have her remove it. The incision looks good. I am to use hydrogen peroxide followed by Neosporin three or four times a day. I was released to drive. Still can’t lift over 20 pounds for one more week.

I got a copy of the biopsy report. It had both good news and bad news in it. The type of cancer I have is the rare, aggressive one. It was very small and was contained within the thyroid. They only see this type of cancer in less than 1% of all thyroid cancers. Lucky me! The lymph node they removed showed mixed hyperplasia which indicates the cancer was thinking about starting to spread. No cancer was found in the lymph node though. Still not sure yet if any other treatment will be required. Won’t find that out until October 26 when I return for my Endocrinologist appointment.

The Pathology report also said I had severe Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in both lobes. The Endocrinologist had thought I had Graves since I was hyperthyroid. It is rare to be hyper with Hashimoto’s. Guess my body didn’t read the medical books.

Still feeling lucky I had an allergic reaction to iodine years ago and the decision to remove my total thyroid was made. It is still very possible the cancer is gone and nothing more will need to be done other than yearly checks.

After that appointment was done Kathy and I went to the library and filled five grocery sacks with books. They have to last me until the spring book sale. I feel guilty getting that many books for $50 when it is easy to pay $20 for one new book. I must have gotten over 100 books and probably more.

We came home after the stop at the library as it was only 11:15 and my next appointment wasn’t until 1:30. Kathy started her new eating plan today and I didn’t want to pull her off of it on her first day by having us eat out.

Drove back into town around 1:00 to see my family doctor. He is keeping me on all my meds for another month at least. Things are calming down but he said it will take another four to six weeks to reach my new normal. He did give me a sleeping pill. So looking forward to sleeping all night. It has been a long time since that happened. He ordered some lab work done to see where my blood calcium and potassium levels are at.

When I rolled up my sleeve to give blood I noticed I had a rash on the inside of my elbow by the vein where they draw blood. It wasn’t there this morning so not sure what is up with that. I’ll keep an eye on it. I think my body is saying enough with all the poking and prodding and needle sticks.

Stopped by Walgreen’s when we finished at the doctor’s office to pick up my prescriptions and to get the Neosporin I need to clean my wound. I sure am spending lots of money on doctors and medications lately. Hoping I am about done doing that.

When I got home I lit my fireplace and turned it on. It was 65 in the house. I only keep my furnace on 68 in the winter but my blood is not winter ready yet and it felt way too cold. It is to frost tonight. I won’t turn the furnace on yet but needed the fireplace to take the chill out of the air. It is to be back in the 80’s by Friday.

I am meeting a friend for breakfast tomorrow morning. Another friend is coming over to see me in the afternoon. So appreciate all the calls, emails, cards, and visits I have been getting from my friends.

Got an email from my friends I met on the Camino. They live in Northern California and the latest round of fires is just a bit north of them. So far their property is safe. Trusting the winds don’t change direction and put them in harm’s way. I was happy to hear from them so I know they are safe.

Two trips to town today. Guess on a cold rainy day what else was I going to do. Ready to tuck in for the night, sit in front of the warm fireplace and finish knitting the baby blanket I am working on. Down to the last 20 rows so hope to finish it tonight.

Healing well. Grateful for competent doctors and their staffs. Looking forward to a good night’s sleep. All is well on the wet and cold prairie today.