Tuesday, November 21, 2023

This has been one of those days. No motivation to do anything and all I wanted to do was eat. I decided to give myself a cheat day but I no longer have food in the house that is not on my plan. Ended up having a spoonful of peanut butter, some popcorn, a few cashews and two bananas for lunch. How is that for cheating? Dang it anyways. Not sure what I was looking for to cheat with but that wasn’t it.

Still need to finish up my cleaning. I did get the chickens taken care of and the trash to the curb and picked up the mail. Essentials done at least!

I only have 10 more Christmas cards to finish up and then they can be put in the mail. I will take them to the post office Friday and drop them off and cross that Christmas task off my to-do list.

I still have the rest of the day to find some motivation to clean and I have all day tomorrow. Good thing I don’t have to pass the white glove test on Thursday. Hoping the house will be crowded enough that no one will notice the layer of dust and dirt that I might not get cleaned up before then. My windows really need washed but since they are getting replaced next week don’t think I will bother.

Tomorrow I get to start cooking. I will bake a few pumpkin pies, break the bread for the dressing and make a jello salad. I will have Kathy help me bring up a long table from downstairs so I can get it set up for Thursday. We will need all the tables in the dining room plus a table set for eight more. Love having a full house for Thanksgiving dinner. I still have a card table or two I can set if anyone else wants to join us. We are eating at 1:00. No need to bring anything – come as you are.

It is in the mid 40’s and very windy on the prairie today. At least the sun is shining so it didn’t feel that cold when I did the chickens. The wind is wearing me out though. Not sure where it is blowing to but it is in a hurry to get there. It is to warm up a bit the rest of the week but then get cold again next week.

The guys are to come to install the new windows next week. Wonder how cold it can be and they can still work? The house is going to get cold as they take a window out and replace it. Not sure how long it takes to install windows. Thinking they will be here all week and maybe longer but I could be wrong. They have lots of them to do.

Next week I will start making some Christmas treats. I will need them all done by December 9 so have to get started soon. I will need a sunny day to make fudge and peanut brittle. Don’t plan on making lots of stuff this year as the kids don’t eat as much of it as they used to. I sure don’t eat any of it but I love making it. I will send Gene a box of it as part of his Christmas gift. He enjoys it and shares it with his friends.

I still need to wrap all the Christmas gifts and get the final items for the games we are going to be playing. I have two weeks from Saturday to get it all done and it will be here before I know it. I do not like last minute things these days so like to be done plenty ahead of time. I don’t move as fast as I used to and it stresses me out to wait till the last minute. Doing my best to avoid as much stress as possible these days.

Addressing Christmas cards always puts me in a nostalgic mood. I think of each person I send a card to and always think of a fun memory about them. I have let too much time pass and have not reached out to some of the people on my list. I love catching up with them when given the chance. One of the problems of blogging is that people know what I am up to but forget I have no idea what they are up to.

I have gotten several reminders lately about not taking more time to do things for granted. One never knows what the rest of the day or tomorrow might bring. I’ve had three dear ones pass away this past month or so. I know of several others that are fighting serious health battles. It reminds me how important it is for me to reach out and connect with those I love and care about. Can’t think of anything more important to do.

The chickens gave me 15 eggs today. I have only been getting barely a dozen a day lately – the slackers. They won’t molt this year as they are not old enough for that but they do decrease their egg production during the darker and colder days. For the first time in a long time I have had requests for more eggs than I have on hand. They were piling up for a bit and I couldn’t find homes for them. How things have changed! Wish they weren’t eating as much in exchange for less eggs but they seem to be eating even more.

Grateful for today and for being alive, grateful for what eggs the girls are giving me, and grateful for a restful day.