Tuesday, November 19, 2024

I didn’t fall asleep until almost 6:00 this morning. This sleep thing is wearing me out! I slept in this morning but woke up feeling unrested.

I did have a stay at home day. I got Ellexia some Chex Mix made. Got my desk cleaned up and got caught up on the paperwork that had been sitting on it waiting for me. Mailed a couple of checks to pay some bills. Still have a long to do list but made a bit of progress today.

Phil was at the rental house today hanging one more blind and attaching the gate I got last week. Tagen should be able to have his dog in the back yard and it will stay in now.

The cabinet door hinges came in so I will go to the rental tomorrow and get those attached to the doors. I may need to wait till I have some help to hang the cabinet doors. I have two more shelves to line and that job is done. Still have a bit of painting left to do. Hoping to get that all done tomorrow. I still have Friday if needed to get it all done before the weekend.

Still haven’t heard from the drain guy. That is the last major thing that is holding up that project. Have my fingers crosses that it will get done this week.

It was good to shut out the world and stay home today. I needed a stay at home day. My body wants another one tomorrow but I need to get this rental house done and off my plate. Next week I plan on staying home all week except for Monday when I have exercise. I will be busy getting the house ready for Thanksgiving dinner and doing some prep cooking but that will be fun.

Tagen is having car issues and I may need to help him out Friday with that. I remember years ago being in his shoes. Hard place to be in. The kid is picking up a lot of responsibility in getting his first place to live in alone and I hate to see him pick up a big car payment too. The world feels a little unstable to me right now and I hate to see him get into a big hole at such a young age.

Still feeling a bit unsettled with all that is going on in the world. It feels like something is dying and many are in grief and at the same time many of up are in labor birthing a new way of being. Transitions are never easy for me, especially living through the in-between time. Doing my best to return to doing what I need to do to take care of myself and keep myself regulated. I have no control over what is happening in the world. I can manage my own reaction to what happens and take care of those within my reach.

Grateful for a stay at home day, grateful some things got crossed off my to do list and grateful I have some good self care practices.