Had a quick trip to Topeka today. I got to my Endocrinologist appointment about 20 minutes early. I was surprised they called me back five minutes after I got there. The efficient nurse took down my information and took my vitals. My blood pressure was 118/75 today which is spot on.
Five minutes after she was done the doctor came in. We visited for about ten minutes. She never gives me the impression she is in a hurry. Everything checked out fine with my labs and the physical exam she did today.
I asked her about taking B Complex. I take B6 now to help my body absorb Potassium but wanted to add the other B Vitamins. She said “at your age” your body can easily hold on to too much B Vitamins so she recommended I take a B Complex every other day. Man! Does she have to remind me I am old! Ha!
I showed her my 5.4 A1C results and she said that was perfect. She was glad I had it checked and was very pleased with the results.
I asked her if stress can cause my TSH levels to bounce. I explained my life over the last four years to her and she said it is very possible that is why I have had trouble balancing my levels. She said she will be looking forward to seeing me in a year to see if they have stabilized. Anytime I want to have my levels checked, I am to send her a message through My Chart and she will order them to be done.
She agreed to lower my dose of Tirosint to 112 from the 125. I had a couple of TSH levels below 2 and I don’t like them that low. She agreed that my target is between 2 and 3, although she said it is very hard to stay within that range every time. She said for my heart health, higher than 2.0 is better.
She asked me what my major health concern is and I told her trouble sleeping. She said if she asked 100 women “my age” what their major concern was, 99 of them would also say sleep. She said she doesn’t have any good solutions to offer for it. She advised me to stay away from prescription sleeping pills as they can send you down a path that you really don’t want to go. She told me the person that can solve the sleep issue will become a billionaire as it is a huge issue and no real solutions.
I love visiting with her and appreciate that she does a lot of research and seems up-to-date on supplements, solutions and issues. She is a good listener and takes my suggestions seriously.
I booked my annual visit with her and her first available appointment is in February 2025. I will see her PA twice between now and then and she is always quick to respond to my questions and concern via My Chart messages.
After I left the doctor’s office I went to Chipotle and had lunch. It is one of my favorite places to eat and I reward myself after most doctor appointments in Topeka with a stop.
I then went to Hy-Vee and got a turkey and ham. The first turkey I looked at weighted a little over 25 pounds. Score one for me! I got that and a 12 pound ham. We should have plenty of both to eat for Thanksgiving. I picked up a few other things while I was there. They had butter on sale so got four pounds of that. I had remembered to take my cooler so I was good to get refrigerator things. Also got some yogurt and a few other things on my list.
The drive up and back was easy. When I got home I asked Kathy if she ever had out-loud conversations with herself when she was alone in the car. She said she did and even does it downstairs. Glad I am not the only one. I had the best conversation with myself on the way to Topeka. I realized how different I sound now then I would have a year ago. Progress on my healing journey! I appreciate it and am grateful for it and all those that helped me get here.
I need to take trash down to the curb and do chicken chores when I get done writing. It is in the mid 70’s out today but a touch windy. It was a beautiful day to drive to Topeka. Most of the road construction on the turnpike has been completed. Getting off in Topeka was a bit weird as they are repairing the exit bridge but getting on to come home was no problem.
Tomorrow mid-day I am going to town to get my haircut. I had it cut before I went on vacation the first part of September and haven’t had it cut since. It is way overdue to be cut. I got my hairdresser a bag of peppermint bark candy today and I will also give him two dozen eggs as his Christmas present tomorrow as I won’t see him again until after Christmas. I’m such a big spender! Ha!
Thursday I have to go back to Topeka to see the retina specialist. Sure hoping I get good news there too. Kathy is going with me as it is hard for me to drive home after getting my eyes dilated. I hate when they do that. I usually get almost a migraine headache from it.
If my eyes adjust back to normal, I will go back in to Emporia Thursday afternoon to watch Ellexia cheer. I told her I might not be able to come. I need to be able to drive and sometimes that takes me a bit to do that after my eyes are treated.
Nothing else is on my calendar through the weekend. I need to start cleaning house Friday and get it in shape so I can have Tuesday and Wednesday next week free to buy groceries and start cooking. Hoping we get some rain over the weekend like the forecast is calling for so the dust will settle a bit and things will stay dust free for longer than a day.
I managed to get the rest of the tea towels stamped without mishap last night. I still can’t believe I screwed up twice using the same pattern. Sometimes I have to laugh at myself and the silly things I do. Grateful I had extra tea towels on hand and it didn’t create a problem.
This is day 10 of a weight loss plateau. I hate when I do that. I remember doing it last time I lost weight. Part of the process but man is it hard not to see that number on the scale drop. I will keep on doing what I am doing and sooner or later the scale will be my friend again.
One of the Christmas presents I ordered for the grandkids came in today. I should be receiving lots of packages over the next week or so. Always relieved when they show up. I have until December 9 so should have plenty of time for them all to get here. I will need some time to get them wrapped too.
Sitting in a very good place today. I loved the conversation I had with my Endocrinologist today. She made me feel heard and seen. I trust her judgement and advice. Can’t ask for much more then that from a doctor.
Grateful for good news at the doctor’s office today, grateful I found a bigger turkey and ham today, and grateful for a safe trip to and from Topeka.