Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The concert last night was pure magic! They were ever bit as good as they were several years ago when I saw them in Phoenix. They give me such hope for the future of our country. When several hundred people come together and chant peace and love it has to help the greater good of all. I love how they keep their egos out of the evening and end the night in silence. Gregg Braden and his wife were at the concert. I heard him say he got to attend as a civilian and not as a presenter tonight. He seemed to be very gracious with people who recognized him and went up to him.

We got up early this morning and were on the road a little after 7:00. After a Starbucks run we headed to Dodge City. We stopped somewhere for lunch and arrived in Dodge City a little before 4:00. We lost an hour on our drive today coming back into Kansas. We drove through some rain, a bit of ice, snow and sleet this morning but had clear to cloudy skies the rest of the day.

We came through Colorado this time. The mountains were beautiful. The tallest ones are still snow-covered.

We were all tired this evening and tired of sitting in a car. We will be glad to be home tomorrow. It has been a wonderful trip but it is time for it to end.

We had dinner at Applebee’s. It was the only chain we have eaten at this trip. Part of my boneless chicken wings were raw so they didn’t charge me for my meal. Thinking I like the Ma and Pa places better. Where ever we ate lunch was a little locally owned place and it was really good.

What a fun trip this has been. Zip lining was amazing. The concert was magic. Spending time with my cousin Pam was special.

Headed for home! There is no place like home!

One Reply to “Tuesday, May 23, 2017”

  1. Thought of you on your trip and remember with deep gratitude my trip with you. Thank you! Thank you! I don’t think I would have done zip lining! Brave you!!

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