Tuesday, May 2, 2023

This has been a lazy day for me. Felt tired and non motivated all day. I even took a short nap this afternoon. Not sure why I was so tired today but just couldn’t muster much energy today.

I did go to town early evening. I needed to fill the car with gas so I am ready to go to Topeka tomorrow. I stopped and got a few things from the grocery store, ate dinner at Bruff’s and then went to Cody’s first grade music program at William White School.

The program was very short and only lasted about 20 minutes. Cody was trilled to see me there so I’m glad I went. He had quite a cheering section as about 10 of us were there to watch him perform. He had the wiggles tonight and had trouble standing still.

It was good to see some of Melissa’s family at the program. I am finally sorting out who is who and they feel like family to me now.

The road construction to Emporia is a pain. I had to wait about five minutes before I could turn on to Highway 50 from V Rd as there was a long long of cars that had gotten backed up due to the construction. Luckily I only had to wait about five minutes before I could proceed through the one-line part of the highway. It adds about 20 minutes to the time it takes me to get to town and get home.

Tomorrow I have to be at the Cardiologist office at 10:15 for my 10:30 appointment. I think I am wasting my time going but will go and see what he has to say. He had told me to come back if anything changed and it did but he rarely takes anything too seriously. I will have a nice lunch afterwards at Chipotle so it will be worth the trip to Topeka.

It was another beautiful spring day on the prairie. It only warmed up to the low 60’s though so a touch cool for me. The wind was still present but not quite as strong as yesterday. The clouds were bright blue and no clouds to be seen. There is a bit of a haze on the horizon so the sunset will be orange tonight.

I realized when I sat down to blog that I haven’t even gathered up the trash and taken it down to the curb yet today. I usually do that early afternoon. I am off my game today for some reason. I still need to go down and lock up the chickens for the night too. Hope I remember to do both of those things when I get done writing.

I untangled a hose today and watered some of the plants that I planted last week. They were looking a little sad. I need to carry some water down to the tomato and zucchini plants and give them a big drink too. We are not getting our spring rains so far this year. We have a 70% chance for rain Thursday and Friday this week so hoping we will get some then. I wouldn’t bet on it though. At least the low for the next ten days isn’t to be below 57 so more spring like weather is headed our way. It is almost warm enough at night that I won’t have to close the chicken coop door at night.

Next week I don’t have anything on my calendar so far. It will be good to have a quiet week at home. Last week and this week seemed to have filled in and I haven’t had many quiet days at home. It has been to get out but I think I have overbooked myself after staying home for so long. I will finally get to Costco next week and get that taken care of. Maybe I can find a friend to ride along with me and make it a fun day out.

Sitting in a good head space tonight even though I am feeling a bit drained. I can tell I need several days at home to get fully refilled again. Overall though I am pleased with how well I did with my busy schedule last week and this week. I have managed to stay level emotionally and not fall into the muck pond.

Grateful for Cody and the joy he brings his family, grateful for a short nap today, and grateful for this beautiful spring day.