Took a dip in the muck pond yesterday for the first time in several months. Not sure what drove me there. Probably overwhelm from the recent medical issue. So tired of dealing with doctors, paying medical bills, new medication, etc. It is what it is and I was able to step out of resistance fairly quickly and walk out of the muck pond.
I didn’t sleep very well last night. Had a hard time falling asleep and then I woke up several times during the night. Feel a bit hung over this morning. Might be a nap day!
Have my list ready for KC tomorrow. Need to do a Costco run as well as pick up a few things for the Italy trip. I’m going to go into Emporia today to do a critter food run so all the critters will have feed while I am gone. Have two or three things I need to get for myself too.
Thursday I go to the Cardiologist. His office called yesterday to tell me the Holter Monitor didn’t pick up any Atrial Flutter. I could have told them that as I haven’t felt any since the day before they put it on me. My heart rate varied from 40 to 153 while I had the monitor on. I expected the 40 but not the 153. Will be interesting to see what if anything he recommends. Sure hoping I get off the blood thinner. I have felt “off” since I started taking it.
I finally met my out-of-pocket medical deductible of $3,200 for this year. I have a $1,000 bill to the Doctor’s office to pay for the ultrasound and a doctor’s visit and will have to pay part of the ER cost and then insurance will start paying everything else. No wonder my cash flow has dropped since the first of the year. Man! Hard to get ahead when I have to pay out $3,200 for medical expenses.
Started looking at my Medicare options. My monthly expense will go up in August but my out-of-pocket expense will decrease. Should come out ahead if I have another medical issue. Trusting I am almost done with those.
Today is day 80 on the Bright Line Eating Plan. I have lost 19 pounds so far. 22 pounds to go. Eating the Bright Line way is becoming pretty automatic for me right now. I don’t get tempted to eat something not on my plan. I do have hungry days but I distract myself and get through without eating off plan. I am a bit nervous with the trip coming up. Decided I am not going to ruin my trip by being overly concerned about eating on plan. I will do the best I can and get back on track if needed when I get home. The biggest thing I want to avoid while in Italy is flour and sugar.
I haven’t broken my Bright Lines yet. I don’t trust myself to do so. I’m afraid one bite of flour or sugar would lead me down a dark path. I do much better avoiding it all together. I don’t seem to do moderation well.
The clouds are rolling in today. We are already under a thunderstorm watch for tonight and tomorrow. First hint of possible tornado activity for the season. I love watching thunderstorms roll in. Trusting I won’t have to drive through them tomorrow though. I prefer to watch them from my house and not be in my car when they roll through. Trusting I will get some nice rain from the predicted storm. I could use several inches at least.
I leave for Italy a week from today! Time to get moving and get things crossed off my list. Guests are coming Friday but leaving Saturday so will need to get the house cleaned later this week for them. I will have Sunday and Monday free to pack.
Grateful for being able to walk out of the muck pond fairly quickly this time, grateful my Atrial Flutter has stopped, and grateful for the promise of rain on the prairie.