Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Another day of doing taxes in the morning.  We kept running out of clients today so stood around visiting a lot of the time.  Wish they would schedule more clients so we stayed busy.  I know there are lots of people who could use our service if we added more openings.

Stopped by the pharmacy and picked up the remaining anti-inflammatory cream for my bunions.  I thought I was only getting one more tube but they gave me three more.  Think I have a lifetime supply of it now.  I haven’t even used up the first tube yet.  I only use it when the bunions are screaming at me and with my new shoes they don’t often scream.  Miss wearing my cute shoes though.

It is a beautiful day on the prairie today.  It is to reach the high 20’s today.  The wind is in a bit of a hurry though so it feels colder than that outside.  We are to get the mid 40’s the rest of the week.  That should help melt the snow off.  I keep looking for the first shoots of grass but haven’t seen much evidence of things waking up yet.

Need to bundle up and go do chicken chores and pull the trash can to the mailbox.  I got cold when I came home and haven’t been able to warm up yet.  Maybe I need to go get my chores done and then take a hot bath and warm up.  I hate to be cold.

Nicole FaceTime with me this morning.  It is 96 where she is at in South Africa.  She laughed when I told her it was 6 degrees when she called.  She seems to be having a grand adventure and has seen lots of animals in the wilds.  She heads for home Thursday and will arrive sometime Friday after a 17 hour flight plus some connecting flights.  Don’t envy her that flight!  14 hour was plenty long for me.

Need to make a packing list for Thursday.  I am going to OK to see my Match guy for a few days.  I’m looking forward to seeing him again.  When we are apart for more than a week or so I start thinking we can’t make “us” happen.  My doubts go away when I am with him though.  If it is meant to be we will find a way to merge our lives.  Still not sure how or what that will look like.

Feeling better every day.  My B/P has behaved itself for a day or so and is not swinging so high or low.  It is settling down but hasn’t quite got there yet.  The pressure in my chest is much less today than it had been  Thinking I am on the mend and will be good to go in another day or so.

Sitting in my peaceful valley and appreciating all the great things going right in my life.  It is interesting to watch what pulls me out of my peaceful valley and how long it takes for me to return to it.  Allowing my feelings to be what they are without attaching a story to them or pushing them away helps keep me in my valley of peace.

Grateful for being in service this morning, grateful for the sun shining today, and grateful for my peaceful valley where life is easy and solutions to problems are easy to find.