Tuesday, March 28, 2023

There was a light covering of snow on the prairie this morning.  I’m grateful I didn’t move the chicks outside a week ago.  The sun has been out today and it has warmed up to the low 50’s and all traces of snow have melted away.  I bundled up to walk the trash down to the curb and was too warm.  No wind today which makes it even feel warmer than it is.

I didn’t get up until late today.  I stayed up too late last night so I slept in this morning.  I don’t think I even got up to pee last night which is unusual.  I slept long and hard.  I didn’t get dressed until I realized I needed to take the trash to the curb and didn’t want to do it in my PJ’s.  Feels good to take a lazy day and stay home and do nothing.  Although lately I seem to do nothing most days!

The dog crates are working well for the chicks.  One of them walked outside the crate when I was reaching in to get the feed and watering containers but it turned around and walked back in.  They have lots more room and seem to be content.  They are going through 12 pounds of feed a day right now.

Nothing on my calendar for tomorrow unless I decide to go back to the library sale and get a bag of books for $5.  I will need a few groceries one of these days but nothing urgent so may stay home again tomorrow.  We shall see what I decide to do.  Thursday I am going to KC for the day and have no plans for the weekend.

A week from tomorrow Nicole, Michelle and I are headed for Las Vegas for a couple of days.  I am really looking forward to spending time with my daughters.  We don’t have anything planned for while we are there but know we will find something to do that will be tons of fun.  Just spending time with them is all I want to do.

I need to remember to get out my chain saw, AKA razor, and shave my legs before we leave.  I rarely shave during the winter time as there is no real point to doing so.  I plan on taking a bathing suit to Vegas although I may not put it on.  Need to have my legs ready in case I get brave and go to the pool.

The ten day forecast is starting to look like spring.  By the weekend we are to be in the low to mid 70’s and the night time temperatures are not to fall below 40.  I hope to start painting my deck Sunday if the forecast holds.  I have needed a big project and that will provide me lots to do for the next couple of weeks.  I sure want to get it done before the heat of the summer kicks in.  Anyone want to come help me paint Sunday?  It will be fun……

I was talking to a friend yesterday and I told her I feel “safe” for the first time in a long time.  I have been thinking about that today and what that means.  My central nervous system has finally calmed down and I am not in fight or flight, freeze or fawn state all the time.  I still react quicker than I used to when things come up unexpected and I get surprised but I can go back to a calm state fairly quickly.

I realized when I feel safe I have lots of options and choices in what and how I want to respond to life.  I can allow myself time to pause and choose.  Before I didn’t feel I had many choices and couldn’t sort through the ones I had.  Not sure if that makes sense.  I didn’t realize when I was stuck in the fight or flight mode the damage it was doing to me.  I was using so much energy just to survive that I wasn’t thriving.  I feel like I am now thriving in a new way.  Feels good to be back on track with my personal inner journey.

Grateful for a long night’s sleep, grateful for the sunshine on the prairie today, and grateful I now feel “safe” to be myself again.