Happy Summer Solstice! A group of four of us celebrated yesterday. Solstice is a powerful day and is fun to tap into that power and celebrate.
Drove into Emporia this morning to pick up a friend today. I helped her take some of her art to Prairie Past Times to see if they will allow her to sell it. We ended up going to lunch with my friend that is very involved with Prairie Past Times.
I was going to stop and drop off my recyclables in Cottonwood Falls but the recycling trailer was pulling out as I was getting ready to pull in. They must have been taking it to empty it. I will take them tomorrow when I go to the gym.
I finally crashed last night and slept for lots of hours. I do that very infrequently and am always even more tired after I sleep too much. May need to take a nap this afternoon. I rarely sleep the next night anyways so might as well grab an hour or two of sleep when I can.
The big dogs are hanging around in the garage trying to stay out of the sun. They sure look hot. They are cold weather dogs and this hot weather is hard for them. I would fill and put out my kiddie swimming pool for them but they are afraid of it and won’t get in it.
I picked up a few groceries while I was in town. I forgot to get the chickens a watermelon. I need to go back to town later this week so will try to remember to get one then. It helps keep them cooler.
Not feeling very motivated to do anything today. I took a rest day yesterday and today feels like another one. As I don’t have much on my calendar right now I guess it will do no harm to take another rest day. House work always seems to wait for me.
Need to go out and give all my critters fresh, cool water. Maybe I will splash some on me and wake myself up a bit. All I want to do today is sleep and eat.
Hot, sunny day on the prairie. All is well!