Went to Florence with a dear friend and had fried tacos at the Branding Iron. We should have shared a plate as they give you two BIG tacos. We each brought one home.
I had a deep conversation with my friend – soul food for me! I so love lunches like this with someone that I can go deep with. I came home feeling better than I have for a bit.
I have done two loads of laundry today but other than that it has been a lazy day. I tried to take the dogs for a walk when I got home from lunch but they just wanted to come in where it is cool and take a long afternoon nap. I will attempt to take them out later.
The old shop that was on my property went away this morning. I heard some machinery going and went outside to see what was going on. Two guys and a kid were out there loading it on a trailer. The kid, who told me he was ten years old, was running the machine that was lifting the shop up. I was so impressed with his skills.
While they guys were working the Sheriff stopped to talked to them. The Sheriff was a bit concerned about them hauling the shop down the highway today with the winds being 45 MPH. The Sheriff asked the kid for his driver’s license! He then said he liked seeing kids helping their parents and doing a man’s job.
The guys that took the shop are not the guy that I told that they could have the shop. Sure hope it went to the right people. They never did call me to tell me they were taking it nor did the guys that took it thank me for the shop. Maybe they were hauling it to the guy that I said could have it. Curious minds want to know! Oh well, it is gone and that is all I care about.
This morning I heard a commotion outside and went out to see what was going on. A lady that walks her two dogs with one on a leash and the other walking free, had walked by my neighbor’s house and one of my neighbor’s dogs jumped the fence and the dogs got into it. The lady used the leash to chase the dog away.
She reported it to the Sheriff and the Sheriff asked me about it while he was here. The neighbor’s dogs get out often as the fence is a normal sized chain link fence and they can jump over it. While I was talking to the Sheriff, I told him about the other neighbor’s dogs that have attacked me twice as I was walking the dogs. He told me to call him next time and he would issue a warning. The second time he gets a complaint about the same dogs, he issues tickets. He said he is trying to crack down on dogs running free and needs people to report them so he can help solve the issue.
A windy day sure feels different in town than it did on the hill. I can see the trees moving and can feel a breeze when I go outside but it sure doesn’t feel like it is very windy. We did notice it when we got on the highway and out in the open. Sure are a lot of tree limbs down all around and even in Florence.
Tomorrow I need to go to Emporia at noon for exercise. I have a short list of things I need from Walmart so hoping I can stop and get those things. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t make myself go in that store. I don’t think I need many groceries and what is on my list can wait if needed.
Sitting in a better head space today. I am gradually climbing out of the rabbit hole that I fell into late last week. Sometimes you have to go low to be able to go high again. Sure like being high better than the low but how would I know high if I didn’t know low? My mentor once told me the lower I can go, the higher I get to climb.
Grateful for lunch with a dear friend, grateful for climbing out of the rabbit hole, and grateful the shop is gone.