Tuesday, July 4, 2023

We had a beautiful evening last night sitting outside watching fireworks. I think the rising of the full orange super moon was the best show in the sky last night. The kiddos had never watched the full moon rising before. It was a delight to introduce them to it. We saw fireworks going off in all directions in the distant. It cooled down and was a wonderful evening to sit outside and enjoy all Mother Nature has to offer.

We came in and the kiddos had s’mores. We watched the fireworks that Cottonwood Falls put on from inside while the kiddos ate their s’mores.

I have done three loads of laundry today and have one more to do. I changed the linens on Tagen’s bed and need to do the same for my bed.

I got my first egg yesterday. Tagen had gone down with me and was pleased with himself that he found it. We got two more today. So far the three eggs we have gotten are a light brown, almost pink color. They must be from the Leghorn breed. I’m anxious to see what color the Easter Eggers will be laying. They are very small but have a yolk in them so they aren’t fairy eggs. They will gradually get bigger over the next two weeks or so. It won’t be long before I’ll be getting two dozen a day, if not more. Go girls! Chicken chores will be fun again.

Tomorrow I have a phone meeting at noon and then I have to go to Emporia and pick up my big grocery order. It will take me a bit to get it all put away when I get home. My grocery bill has doubled with the additional bodies in the house.

Thursday I may go to Topeka or Wichita and go to Best Buy and get the screen replaced on my iPhone. It has a chip and crack in it and I want to get it replaced before it becomes unusable.

Friday I have a thing to attend with Michelle in Emporia in the late morning. Nothing on the calendar for Saturday. Sunday we are having a family day at either the park in Cottonwood Falls or at my house, depending on the weather. If it rains or is to hot we will move it to my house. Craig and Nancy are coming up from Wichita, Nicole and Geoff are coming down from KC, Jason and Melissa will come out from Emporia and Michelle and the gang will be here. I love family days!

I am fixing hot dogs for dinner tonight. We have some leftover Macaroni and Cheese from last night so the kids will get a second chance to eat it up. Dinner will be easy to fix tonight!

I went to Cottonwood Falls this afternoon to dump recycling and to get two Hershey bars for s’mores tonight. I also mailed two checks to get the guttering job absolutely completed. It felt so good to cross off the guttering project from my pending list and to get the last thing between Jim and I resolved.

It has reached 96 so far today and I won’t be surprised if it climbs a bit higher before the day is over. Dang! It is hot outside. I don’t do well in this hot weather. The chickens looked hot this afternoon when we went down to gather eggs and give them fresh water. I trust they will be able to survive this heat.

Still adjusting to the change in my lifestyle with the extras in the house. So far, so good. I like fixing food so it is fun to fix three meals a day. The dishwasher, washing machine and dryer are all getting extra work. The kiddos seem to be easing into living here and we are establishing some ground rules. Luckily they are both old enough to be fairly self-sufficient and are helpful most of the time.

Grateful for the eggs my chickens are producing, grateful for being able to introduce my kiddos to the beauty of the full moon rising, and grateful for air conditioning and a nice cool house to live in.